Grizzly softball fans, head out to Surf City Middle this afternoon for their away game starting at 4:00!
IT'S ALIVE!!! - Here Comes The Bus is online! 🚍New to the system? Here Comes The Bus is an easy-to-use website and app that allows parents to see the location of their child's school bus on a smartphone, tablet, or pc. English Spanish
Come out and see us on September 29th from 5:30-7:00pm. See our flyer for more information.
The Grizzly family is having a great first week to the 2022-2023 school year!
#gogrizzlies #pcsed
Grizzly families, we have updated supply lists for rising 6th and 7th grade students!
Rising 8th Grade students have an updated school supply list!
Join Sheriff Cutler and our SROs in a Back to School Community Chat. Come see us on August 16, 2022 from 6PM - 8PM at Topsail High School or August 18, 2022 from 6PM - 8PM at Heide Trask Sr. High School.
Athletics Update! Football tryouts will now start on August 22nd from 3-5 pm. Softball tryouts will start August 29th after school. Cheerleading tryouts will start August 30th after school. You can access the pre-participation form here:
Spanish version here:
Good morning Cape Fear Middle School families. This is a general school supply list for the upcoming school year. A more specific list will be handed out during open house. We are very excited for the upcoming school year!
Because of COVID-19 rules, many families have not completed free and reduced-price school meals applications. Making sure they are turned in by Aug 31 will help ensure families are ready for the fall, and eligible for Summer P-EBT benefits! Learn more
Save the Date! Cape Fear Middle School Open House will be August 24th from 4-6pm. We can't wait to see you, and it's an opportunity for you to meet your teachers and get your schedule.
Sports Tryouts Update! Football, softball and cheerleading tryouts will start on August 29th, the first day of school. Please have your physical and accompanying paperwork completed by this date.
SAVE THE DATE - Open House dates are set for the 2022-23 school year, don't let them sneak up on you. #PCSPride 📅
SUMMER LEARNING - continues at Cape Fear Middle where the science class was dissecting 🐸. I suddenly want to watch E.T. 📞🎥
We hope everyone has a safe and fun summer vacation!
#gogrizzlies #pcsed
Congratulations to our 8th grade class of 2022, and best of luck to them in high school! Follow the link to see their slideshow from this morning's awards ceremony:
CFM families, please see the following awards schedule!
May 16-Athetics @ 1pm
May 18-6th Grade @ 8am & 7th Grade @ 12:45pm
May 20-8th Grade @ 9am
Overflow parking may park beside the service road to the right of the building. Please do not park in the back of the school.
Ms Hett and Ms. Losey's 8th Grade science classes are meeting and learning about owls and hawks today with the Cape Fear Raptor Center.
#gogrizzlies #pcsed
Thanks to our amazing PTO for treating the Grizzly staff during Teacher Appreciation Week!
To close out Teacher Appreciation Week, we're sharing some of our students' favorite things about the teachers at CFM!
#gogrizzlies #pcsed