CLASS OF 2022 - Two spring open house events are scheduled for next week at Cape Fear Community College. Now's the time to sign up and secure your spot and take charge of your future.

Congratulations to our All Conference and Honorable Mentions for Boys and Girls Basketball.

PATRIOT PRIDE - Pender High School student-athletes took time out of their busy schedule to read to younger students during #readacrossamerica week

Three more games as we close the opening week of spring sports out.

It must be Spring with all these games

A lot of home events today

Busy week as spring sports start up

PHS Registration: Students will begin choosing electives on March 2nd during 1st block. The counselors have talked to students about graduation requirements and course options for next year. Class registration will be open from March 2nd through March 4th.

ACT Reminders: Bring a charged chromebook and charger. Arrive at school no later than 8:30 am; you cannot enter once testing begins. Get a good night’s sleep and eat a good, healthy breakfast. Bring the approved ID so you can enter the testing room.

ACT testing March 1, 2022: Juniors will take the ACT on Tuesday, March 1. Testing locations have been shared with the students. All classes will be in 1st block until around 1:30 pm. Students without a 1st block class on campus do not need to report until 1:30 pm.

Playoff game for tomorrow has been set. Boys will be at Wilson Prep 5:30 $8 admission

Spring teams head out for preseason scrimmages this afternoon.

Tomorrow’s playoff game has been set. We will host Bertie at 6pm Thursday

Pender 53-rosewood 43 Pender will be home on Thursday vs Bertie! Time TBD

Congratulations to the Pender High School JROTC which is headed to Washington, DC to compete in the JLAB Championship. The JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl (JLAB) is a nationally recognized academic competition created exclusively for JROTC students. Cadets who participate will test their knowledge and leadership skills through competing in a series of rounds against other JLAB teams.

Playoffs tonight at 6pm

Volunteer Hours: If you are in need of volunteer hours, please contact Ms. McGowen at Karen_mcgowen@pender.k12.nc.us. There are multiple events coming up in the near future to help you give back to your community.

All juniors: On March 1st, all juniors will be taking the ACT. Last week and this week, juniors will be doing pre-ACT requirements for the assessment.

Reminders: First, head gear is not allowed in the building. You should remove your hat, hoodie, etc. upon entering any building on campus. Second, no outside fast food or drink is allowed during the school day or in any classrooms. Water bottles only are allowed in classrooms.

Boys will host Rosewood Tuesday at 6pm. $7.00 admission. (Booster passes not valid for playoff games)