Next week’s schedule


Softball and baseball tonight vs Whiteville will be varsity only starting at 5pm. JVs moved to Thursday at 430

CONGRATUALTIONS - To Pender HS Athletic Director Matt Davis for earning the North Carolina Athletic Directors Association's "Athletic Director of Excellence" award and PHS for receiving the NCHSAA's Commissioner's Cup! #PatriotPride 🏈🏐⚾⚽🥎🏀🎾👟📣

Student attendance is taken in each class for a total of 4 times daily, so if a student is marked absent in any class, an automated call goes out that evening. This includes students excluded due to Covid. Covid quarantine dates are updated as soon as possible.

Students are to be picked up in the front circle. Please do not try to pick up students in the student parking lot or any of the back parking lots. Drivers should turn off Hwy 53 into the circle drive for student pick up and exit onto Horsebranch Road. This is a one-way drive.

Prom is going to be at UNCW Warwick Center Ballroom on April 23 from 7-11 PM. Tickets will be on sale April 4-8 for $50. You can pay by cash, check, or money order only. The theme is Galaxy and masks are optional. Prom king/queen applications are due by April 14th.

Weekly schedule. Stay tuned to weather forecast, it is Spring after all.

Pender County Schools offers Driver’s Education for $65.00 for students who attend public, private, home, or charter schools in the District. See the Pender High School website for more information about pre-registration for Driver’s Education.

Here comes the bus is now available to PHS students. You can view the real-time location of your bus by accessing the app from your smartphone, tablet or computer. You can receive notifications or email alerts to be able to send your child to the bus stop at the right time.

Parents, please update email addresses with the school. We are getting emails returned when we send out important information to you. Thank you in advance for your help in ensuring we are getting all the important information to the right people.

Game Time Updates
Away softball at Ashley 5pm
Home varsity soccer vs Whiteville 5pm
Home baseball vs Swansboro 5pm
JV soccer canceled

Save the date! PCS Job Shadow Day is April 22nd. More information will be coming soon, so keep the date open for a chance to job shadow that job you are interested in doing as a career.

The PHS Beta Club is sponsoring a Daddy/Daughter Dance for 0-8th Grade on April 9th in the PHS Gymnasium from 3:00-5:00 PM. Tickets are $20 and available at PHS or at Lanier’s Hardware. They include refreshments, photo booth, activities and entered for drawings during the event.

During school hours on Thursday, March 24th, sophomores will participate in a seminar where they will learn their PreACT scores. We will, then, help them to understand their data and provide answers to any questions they may have concerning the PreACT.

EL TIEMPO SE ESTÁ ACABANDO - Hay muchas oportunidades de becas para los estudiantes de último año que se gradúan este año. Aquí hay un enlace a algunas becas que podrían poner dinero en sus bolsillos para continuar su educación.

Softball today with Ashley canceled. No makeup at this time.
Soccer vs Southwest moved to 4:30 varsity only.

TIME IS RUNNING OUT - There are plenty of scholarship opportunities out there for graduating seniors. Here's a link to just few that could put money in your pockets to continue your education. https://sites.google.com/pender.k12.nc.us/pcs/students/scholarships

Athletics for the week

We want to send congratulations to our masonry students who competed in Goldsboro over spring break. Heman Leon placed 2nd in Masonry 1 Division out of 40 contestants, Tyler Robinson placed 4th in the Line-burner competition, and the team placed 2nd overall in the competition.