Enjoy the long holiday weekend!
Please join us Thursday, May 9th from 4 to 6pm to meet your child's next grade level teaching team and gain valuable insight into the next school year. Snacks, drinks, and transition resources will be provided. We look forward to seeing you!
Updated spring sports schedules. Go Grizzlies!
The Grizzly Color Run is just around the corner. Have you registered yet? If not, please go to mybooster.com or use the QR code on the flyer. Don't forget to share with your family and friends to help us get more donations. Let's go Grizzlies!!!
Congrats to EmilyAnne Sewell for being named the CFMS 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Sewell serves our students and and staff in many roles and is always looking to make CFMS a great place to be. This is well-deserved for your effort and commitment to our school. Of course we have to include a video of her receiving her award...https://youtube.com/shorts/-fo1mZiYjfQ?feature=share
Explore curriculum resources for ELA 9-12, Math 1, K-8 Science, and 6-8 Social Studies! Join our stakeholder preview at the PCS central office on 3/26 (1-6 pm), 3/28 (1-6 pm), 4/2 (8 am-1 pm), and 4/3 (8 am-1 pm). Online preview available until April 8. #ExperiencetheExcellence
Please check out this link, https://www.pender.k12.nc.us/o/cfms/article/1520012, for updates and information.
This is a reminder that the class with the most new donations gets doughnuts tomorrow!
Cape Fear Grizzlies Color Run is raising funds for their school!
Check out the video Cape Fear Grizzlies Color Run made to help get the word out. Will you support Cape Fear Grizzlies Color Run and Cape Fear Middle?
We are raising funds for Enhancing the Cape Fear Middle School experience to support students, staff and the community in every aspect of our school in the Cape Fear Grizzlies Color Run. Click here to help us: https://mybooster.com/v3/dash/g-8yHpg_
Our 6th graders had a great time at Medieval Times yesterday. They had many compliments on how they conducted themselves throughout the day. Great job 6th grade.
It's a beautiful day to register for the Grizzly Color Run happening next Thursday. Let's meet our goal Grizzlies!!!!
📣 Heads up! 🚸 Because of a teacher workday, school's out for most on Thurs., March 21st, but Pender Early College is still in session! 📚✏️ Keep up the great work, PECHS students! 💪 We'll see everyone else on Friday🎒📅#ExperienceTheExcellence
Don't forget the registration for the Color Run is up and running. Sign-up today. Help us meet our goal!!! Let's go Grizzlies!!!
Want to know what a Color run is? Check out this example video of what we will be doing on March 28th. https://youtu.be/cn1XkfXxytw
Please read this flier, https:// 5il.co/2gidi, to see all of the ways your money can help Cape Fear MS.
Mrs. T tried to keep it a secret, but her birthday is today also. Mrs. T tutors throughout the day and runs our CIS after school program. Happy bday Mrs. T.
We would like to recognize Darwin for being one of our 8th grade students of the month for February and Jozef for being one of our 7th grade students of the month. Congrats!
We want to celebrate the true hero of CFMS. Today is Ms. Faye's birthday. It is a pleasure and honor to have Ms. Faye as part of our family. Happy birthday Ms. Faye.
Please check out the following link for updates and information, https://www.pender.k12.nc.us/o/cfms/article/1509663.
Have questions about the Grizzly Color Run 2024. Here are some FAQS answered.
Grizzly Color Run 2024 is here. To register your student use the QR code on the linked flyer.
CFMS 7th graders in Mr. Odom's STEM class visited the Army/Airborne Special Operations museum today to learn the history of aircraft and parachutes.