The countdown to BMS' 8th grade formal has begun! Save the date 👗🎩@bms_reddevils @penderschools
almost 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
8th grade formal flyer
BMS 8th grade students spent the day at Cape Fear Community College learning about higher education opportunities. They participated in a forensic lab onsite. Thank you, Dr. Jordan, for organizing this trip!! @bms_reddevils @penderschools
almost 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
students conducting forensic studies
students practicing forensics (fake blood)
students with goggles and forensic studies
Last week our BMS students enjoyed a very special afternoon of dancing, food, and fun at Topsail High School! Please celebrate these students with us! These middle schoolers turned up with style! We are so proud. 😊👗🎉 @bms_reddevils @penderschools
almost 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
students dressed up in media center
students dancing in formal wear
students in formal wear
students dancing and having fun with teacher
As the 2022 Statewide Primary is nearing (May 17), a reminder that the distribution or display of political materials is prohibited.
almost 3 years ago, Bob Fankboner
voting reminder
April is Poetry Month! BMS students have the chance to celebrate by visiting the media center and viewing the poetry display that will be up all month long. They also will get the chance to participate in a schoolwide Poetry Slam on April 27th! @bms_reddevils @penderschools
almost 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
poetry display
BMS students enjoyed an amazing day trip to Raleigh last week to visit the NC Museum of Natural Sciences @naturalsciences. Thank you Ms. Seri for taking our students to see the dinosaurs and to experience an epic 3-D movie! @bms_reddevils @penderschools
almost 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
students pointing at exhibit
students outside of museum
students at fossil exhibit
students under dinosaur bones
Happy Assistant Principal's Week to Ms. Spagnoli! Your BMS family appreciates everything you do. We are so grateful to have you! @bms_reddevils @penderschools
almost 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
administrator  with flower
administrator doing peace sign
administrators holding holiday plants
administrator speaking at auction
Thank you to the PTO for @cfpe_panthers and Burgaw Middle School for bringing together our community on Saturday night for an amazing quarter auction! This was a grand success and we are so grateful for the support of everyone involved. A special thanks to our BMS PTO: Sarah Wood, Sarah Benevides, and Cindy Avery. Team work makes the dream work!! @bms_reddevils @penderschools
almost 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
woman at auction booth
women posing in gymnasium
audience at auction in folding chairs
student auctioning off item
Thank you to @wpm_warriors for hosting a fabulous Career Day! Burgaw Middle School students had a great day and learned so much! @bms_reddevils @penderschools
almost 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
students in gymnasium
students with teacher in gymnasium
students smiling in gymnasium
Congrats to Mrs. Amy Lawson on BMS' Teacher of the Year! We are so grateful for all that you do for your staff and students. Way to go! @bms_reddevils @penderschools
almost 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
happy students with teacher of the year
Don't forget about this weekend's auction: Burgaw PTO partners with C.F. Pope's PTO to host the 1st big fundraiser this Saturday, 4/2 at 6:30 pm in the gymnasium. Come on out to boost our fundraising potential. See you there! @bms_reddevils @penderschools
almost 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
auction logo
BMS' 2021-22 Science Olympiad team medaled in 8 events. We have two first place teams that are going to states. Perry Kim and Erica Harvey for Green Generation, and Jacob Avery for Bottle Rocket! @bms_reddevils @penderschools
almost 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
students outside holding medals
Burgaw PTO partners with C.F. Pope's PTO to host the 1st big fundraiser on 4/2 at 6:30 pm in the gymnasium. Come on out to boost our fundraising potential! @bms_reddevils @penderschools
almost 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
auction logo
An information session is scheduled for March 22nd for rising 6th graders at BMS who are interested in joining the band. Band Night will run from 6 - 6:30 pm and will help answer questions about how to join, how to obtain an instrument, and more! @bms_reddevils @penderschools
almost 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
band information
BMS members of G.E.T.S. (Girls Empowered to Succeed) talked this week with a guest speaker about self-esteem and pursuing dreams. We are grateful for this group and for their leader, Mrs. Newkirk! @bms_reddevils @penderschools
almost 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
students gathering
students posing in classroom
MUSIC TO OUR EARS - an information session is scheduled for March 22 for rising 6th graders to Burgaw Middle who are interested in joining the band. Band Night will run from 6-6:30 and will help answer questions about how to join, how to get an instrument and more
almost 3 years ago, Bob Fankboner
bms band night
Please celebrate the induction of 22 BMS Scholars into the National Junior Beta Club. We are very proud of the academic achievement, character, leadership and service to our school from these fine students. Congratulations students!! @bms_reddevils @penderschools
about 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
students posing in library
THAT'S A WRAP - Burgaw Middle 8th grader Perry Kim and Topsail junior Jakob Gruntfest were both in the cast of Opera House Theatre's production of "Footloose" which performed to sold-out audiences for two weeks and closed on Sunday at Thalian Hall.
about 3 years ago, Bob Fankboner
Red Devil Proud: Team Swanson & Spagnoli are in it to win it! #ootd 👌@bms_reddevils @penderschools
about 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
administrators matching
The 2022 Battle of the Books Team at BMS has been preparing for the upcoming competition on 3/3. Wish them luck! @bms_reddevils @penderschools
about 3 years ago, Burgaw Middle School
BoB Fyler Middle School