ONLY 1 DAY LEFT!! Our Spirit Gear Drive has been extended through March 3rd and we only need a few more items sold! Get yours today. 🔥 @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
about 24 hours ago, Burgaw Middle School
spirit gear extension
PCS CTE Job Shadow Day - Job Shadow with my (Paula King-Jacobs) daughter Abrianna from Heide Trask HS.
2 days ago, Bob Fankboner
job shadow day
ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT!! Our Spirit Gear Drive has been extended through March 3rd and we only need a few more items sold! Get yours today. 🔥 @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
2 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
spirit gear extension
Good Afternoon Burgaw Middle School Families, Please see your updates for the week of March 3-7, 2025 We hope you have a safe and happy Spring Break!
3 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
BMS Updates
Happy Spring Break!! 🌼 @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
3 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
spring break reminder
The Raleigh Rockers brought the heat at today's performance at BMS!! 🤘🏽 @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
3 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
Raleigh Rockers performance
Raleigh Rockers performance
Raleigh Rockers performance
Raleigh Rockers performance
SAVE THE DATES for our upcoming Baseball and Volleyball games!! @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
3 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
volleyball and baseball schedule
Thank you again to our amazing Social Worker, Ms. Mobley!! Happy Social Worker Week! 💐 @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
3 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
student with social worker
students with social worker
Eighth graders enjoying today's field trip to the Be Pro Be Proud Virtual Reality Bus! 🤖 @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
3 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
students on field trip
students on field trip
students on field trip
ATTENTION! Anyone interested in coaching for the BMS Baseball Team ⚾ must contact Coach Bannerman ASAP. Tryouts begin March 17th. 😈 @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
3 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
baseball team coach interest flyer
Job Shadow Day at BMS!! @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
3 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
job shadow day participants
job shadow day participants
ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT!! Our Spirit Gear Drive has been extended through March 3rd and we only need a few more items sold! Get yours today. 🔥 @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
3 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
spirit gear extension
BMS celebrated Social Worker Week this week! We appreciate everything you do for our staff and students, Ms. Mobley!! 🌺 @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
3 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
social worker being recognized with gifts
Math Counts students were given certificates and ribbons for their hard work this school year! Way to go!!! 🏆 @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
3 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
math counts students receiving
🏀🏈⚽ FREE SPORTS PHYSICALS FOR PCS ATHLETES! ⚾🎾🏐 Pender County student-athletes, mark your calendars! 🗓️ Our partners at EmergeOrtho are providing FREE sports physicals to help you gear up for the upcoming seasons. 📍 April 30 – Topsail High School 📍 May 13 – Trask High School Athletes may attend either date to receive their physical, which will be valid for 395 days—covering you through next school year! Don’t miss this opportunity to stay healthy, eligible, and ready to compete! 💪🏽🏆 🏀🏈⚽ ¡EXÁMENES FÍSICOS DEPORTIVOS GRATIS PARA LOS ATLETAS DE PCS! ⚾🎾🏐 ¡Atletas de Pender County, marquen sus calendarios! 🗓️ Nuestros socios de EmergeOrtho ofrecerán exámenes físicos deportivos GRATIS para que estén listos para la próxima temporada. 📍 30 de abril – Topsail High School 📍 13 de mayo – Trask High School Los atletas pueden asistir a cualquiera de las dos fechas para hacerse su examen físico, el cual será válido por 395 días, cubriéndolos durante todo el próximo año escolar. ¡No pierdan esta oportunidad para estar saludables, elegibles y listos para competir! 💪🏽🏆
4 days ago, Bob Fankboner
free school physicals english
free school physicals spanish
ATTENTION! Anyone interested in coaching for the BMS Baseball Team ⚾ must contact Coach Bannerman ASAP. Tryouts begin March 17th. 😈 @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
4 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
baseball team coach interest flyer
😎 Meet Aden, our current student under the PCS Student Spotlight! Check out the full article here - @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
4 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
student spotlight
TOMORROW! In conjunction with Grassroots Grant funding, The Raleigh Rockers will perform on Friday, 2/28 in the gym at 1:30pm!! 💃🏽🎧🎹🕺🏽 @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
4 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
Raleigh Rockers flyer
The BMS Cheer Team after this week's winning game! Go, Red Devils!! 😈 @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
4 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
cheerleading team after winning game
ATTENTION! Our Spirit Gear Drive has been extended through March 3rd and we only need 4 MORE ITEMS SOLD! Get yours today. 🔥 @bms_reddevils @penderschools @bradbreedlove90 #onepender
4 days ago, Burgaw Middle School
spirit gear clothing drive for middle school