Tonight is the night! BMS Students are preparing for tonight's BMS Band Concert and STEAM Activities. All parents and students welcome!! Starts at 5:00 and ends at 7:00. See you tonight!!

Friday Spirit Day and the Yin and Yang of Leadership.

A Reminder to Save the Date!!

Burgaw Middle School 8th graders tested the water quality of the Burgaw Creek today in Ms. Lawson's science classroom! They found it to be healthy for fish!

Mr. Swanson and Dr. Spagnoli are on fire today for BMS Spirit Week "Dress for Success" day!! Get your sports team gear on for tomorrow!

BMS was awarded a Pender Educational Partnership grant! Mrs. Seri's students accepted the award for a school-wide performance from the Tryon Palace Fife and Drum Corps set to take place in early 2023. Thank you Ms. Grable, the PEP Grant committee of PCS!!

Come on out to BMS' Steam Night and School Band Focus where students will explain how light plays a role in the Optical Heart Monitor. Join us on December 14th from 5 pm - 7 pm in the BMS Gym!! @bms_reddevils @penderschools

Congrats to BMS' Contest of Gratitude Essay winners Joselyn Sanchez Santiago, Kiauna Thompson, Kayden Foran, Tabari Bell, Derick Vargas, & Jaren Bordeaux. Students received prizes courtesy of Mrs. Mendoza for essays displaying what they're thankful for!!

BMS presents Steam Night and School Band Focus where students will explain how light plays a role in the Optical Heart Monitor. Join us on December 14th from 5 pm - 7 pm in the BMS Gym!! @bms_reddevils @penderschools

Thank you Four County Electric for choosing BMS as a recipient of a 2022 Bright Ideas grant. We are excited for our students!! @NCBrightIdeas #NCBrightideas

BMS presents Steam Night and School Band Focus where students will explain how light plays a role in the Optical Heart Monitor. Join us on December 14th from 5 pm - 7 pm in the BMS Gym!! @bms_reddevils @penderschools

During this week and next, BMS students will partake in a Contest of Gratitute Writing Competition about what they are grateful for. Writing pieces are due Tuesday, November 22nd. Thank you, Mrs. Mendoza for this amazing opportunity! @bms_reddevils @penderschools

Students in Mr. Diehl's art class created these beautiful drawings after learning about Cuban artist Amelia Pelaez. Students also learned about Pablo Picasso and cubism. Thank you students for beautifying our hallways with your artwork!! @bms_reddevils @penderschools

Mrs. Cavanaugh's class recognized two BMS veterans on Tuesday of this week - Nurse Futral and Deputy Prezioso! Students got to shake their hands and gave them a warm thank you for their service. Happy Veterans Day from Burgaw Middle School! @bms_reddevils @penderschools

BMS 8th grade students visited two college campuses: UNC-Greensboro and NC A&T State. Students toured the campuses and spent an afternoon in the sunshine watching the Aggies win a football game!! Thank you Dr. Jordan for organizing this amazing trip! @bms_reddevils @penderschools

Wilmington's Northside Church invites you to "A Feast of Hope" from 9am - 12pm on November 24th. See flyer below and visit the following webpage to place your order by 11/23: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdMAT99o6vkdsPErTrWe1BG9GUNmzlULJbMURMgBgsLYFogAw/viewform

The hypotheses were correct! Last week, Ms. Lawson's 8th grade science class worked on River Basin Projects in lab groups. Students learned key vocabulary words and pertinent facts from this exciting lesson! @bms_reddevils @penderschools

Ms. Cavenaugh's students have applied the scientific method to recent investigations in their science classroom. Their project presentations were the highlight of the day! So proud of these rock star students!! @bms_reddevils @penderschools

Burgaw Middle School @bms_reddevils students were celebrated for their academic achievements and positive citizenship. Please congratulate them with us - we are very proud of them!! @penderschools

In a galaxy far, far away, Ms. Ownbey's students traveled through space in 8 separate stations to learn about the planets! Virtual reality and 3D components were used to explore the wonders of space. What a great introduction to a new unit of her class! @bms_reddevils