Always striving to help students💖, teachers at 🏴🚩BMS🚩🏴 continue their professional development by taking online courses. Ms. Bowman, Ms. Richmond, Ms. Edwards, and Ms. Thomas have completed the first of three pathways in Ellevation Strategies. Way to go, teachers!😎
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
teachers posing with graphics in background
✨DON'T FORGET✨!!🍁Fall Picture Retakes🍁 are this Friday, December 1st at BMS!! Get those pearly whites ready!!😁
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
picture day retakes flyer
Interested in joining the📣BMS Cheer Team📣? Cheer Tryouts start TODAY and will take place 11/29 & 12/1 until 4:30pm!! It will be a closed practice in the gym. Students must have a physical. See Ms. Ownbey for an application. Go, Red😈Devils!!
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
cheer team tryout flyer
Join us for our upcoming Instructional Framework Parent Meetings! 📚👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Your input matters! 🗣️ Save the date and be part of shaping our students' future.🗓️
over 1 year ago, Bob Fankboner
instructional framework
instructional development
🍁Fall Picture Retakes🍁 are this Friday, December 1st at BMS!! Get those pearly whites ready!!😁
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
fall picture retake day flyer
⚽TODAY⚽!!! Come on out and watch the 🏴🚩BMS🚩🏴 Soccer game at 3:30pm!! Make sure you don't miss a chance to cheer on your favorite Red👹Devils!! $5 admission. Bring the heat!!🔥🔥🔥
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
soccer game flyer
In conjunction with BMS' School Improvement Team (SIT), we are asking all parents & guardians to help us out by completing a survey on school safety & school culture/climate!!😎
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
school culture survey flyer
🌟The BMS PTO🌟 needs YOUR help with 3 parents at ⚽ALL HOME SOCCER GAMES⚽ to generate proceeds to go towards athletic👕uniforms & other needs. Signup 📄sheets are in the front office. Let's work together to help our athletes look top 🎽notch while they compete!!😎🔥😎
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
soccer game volunteer flyer
BMS Parent Advisory Council will meet today @ 3:00pm in the front office conference room. This meeting will comply with all requirements of the State Open Meetings Law, G.S. 143, Article 33C.
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
bms logo
Interested in joining the📣BMS Cheer Team📣? Cheer Tryouts start TOMORROW, 11/28 and will take place 11/29 & 12/1 until 4:30pm!! It will be a closed practice in the gym. Students must have a physical. See Ms. Ownbey for an application. Go, Red😈Devils!!
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
cheer team tryouts flyer with graphics
🌟The BMS PTO🌟 needs YOUR help with 3 parents at ⚽ALL HOME SOCCER GAMES⚽ to generate proceeds to go towards athletic👕uniforms & other needs. Signup 📄sheets are in the front office. Let's work together to help our athletes look top 🎽notch while they compete!!😎🔥😎
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
soccer game volunteer flyer
In conjunction with BMS' School Improvement Team (SIT), we are asking all parents & guardians to help us out by completing a survey on school safety & school culture/climate!!😎
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
sit parent survey
Northside Church has partnered with PCS to provide 🦃Free Meals for Thanksgiving🦃!! These meals are delivered directly to families. Please complete this form to participate -
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
feast of hope flyer
Good Afternoon Burgaw Middle School Families, Please see your updates for the remainder of this week and the week of November 27-December 1, 2023 From our BMS family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
BMS Updates
Come visit 🌟Ms. Cavenaugh's🌟 classroom during teacher planning and student PA times at 🏴🚩BMS🚩🏴!! 🎁The Making Scents Store🎁 is open from Monday through Friday. Come get all of your favorite holiday gifts, jewelry, & more!! Made by Ms. Cavenaugh's very own Red😈Devils!!
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
making scents store flyer
Please join us for our upcoming Special Education Parent Advisory Committee #ExperienceTheExcellence
over 1 year ago, Bob Fankboner
🥳SAVE THE DATE🥳!!! BMS' PBIS & Student Support invite you to 🕺🏽Sneaker Ball🕺🏽A Dress to Impress Event👗👔!! Mark your calendar for December 15th. See flyer details below!! 💃🏽🔥🕺
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
sneaker ball flyer with information and graphics
Eighth grade 🏴🚩BMS🚩🏴 students visited Heide Trask High School🏫last week for a Career Fair😎!! Students gained🧤hands-on experiences & learned information about possible jobs. The ✨future looks bright ahead for these Red😈Devils!!
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
students participating in a career fair
🌟The BMS PTO🌟 needs YOUR help with 3 parents at ⚽ALL HOME SOCCER GAMES⚽ to generate proceeds to go towards athletic👕uniforms & other needs. Signup 📄sheets are in the front office. Let's work together to help our athletes look top 🎽notch while they compete!!😎🔥😎
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
soccer game volunteer flyer
Northside Church has partnered with PCS to provide 🦃Free Meals for Thanksgiving🦃!! These meals are delivered directly to families. Please complete this form to participate -
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
feast of hope flyer