⚽TODAY⚽!!! Come on out and watch the 🏴🚩BMS🚩🏴 Soccer game at 3:30pm!! Make sure you don't miss a chance to cheer on your favorite Red👹Devils!! $5 admission. Bring the heat!!🔥🔥🔥
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
soccer game flyer
✨As we enter December✨, our focus turns to the upcoming 😎Hour of Code😎 celebrated from December 4-10!! Ask your teachers about one of the most significant learning events of the year that will be highlighted at🏴🚩BMS🚩🏴all week!!
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
hour of code
Please join us for a State of the Union Address for BMS! Principal Brian Allen will provide the current state of BMS with ways our community can support the school on Thursday, 2/1/24@ 6PM in the BMS Media Center. Please come prepared to hear ways you can support our school!
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
state of the union flyer
Come visit 🌟Ms. Cavenaugh's🌟 classroom during teacher planning and student PA times at 🏴🚩BMS🚩🏴!! 🎁The Making Scents Store🎁 is open from Monday through Friday. Come get all of your favorite holiday gifts, jewelry, & more!! Made by Ms. Cavenaugh's very own Red😈Devils!!
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
making scents store flyer
🌟The BMS PTO🌟 needs YOUR help with 3 parents at ⚽ALL HOME SOCCER GAMES⚽ to generate proceeds to go towards athletic👕uniforms & other needs. Signup 📄sheets are in the front office. Let's work together to help our athletes look top 🎽notch while they compete!!😎🔥😎
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
soccer volunteer flyer
In conjunction with BMS' School Improvement Team (SIT), we are asking all parents & guardians to help us out by completing a survey on school safety & school culture/climate!!😎 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSexKu0rWjuvVkqU5W5ekhA9gQlTz8dY_RpnKXTPe15ytbr_Iw/viewform
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
school culture survey
Good Afternoon Burgaw Middle School Families, Please see your updates for the week of December 4-8, 2023 https://www.smore.com/5ejc4 Have a great weekend.
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
BMS Updates
In conjunction with BMS' School Improvement Team (SIT), we are asking all parents & guardians to help us out by completing a survey on school safety & school culture/climate!!😎 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSexKu0rWjuvVkqU5W5ekhA9gQlTz8dY_RpnKXTPe15ytbr_Iw/viewform
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
school climate survey
Interested in joining the📣BMS Cheer Team📣? Cheer Tryouts are TODAY in the gym until 4:30pm!! It will be a closed practice. Students must have a physical. See Ms. Ownbey for an application. Go, Red😈Devils!!
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
cheer tryouts flyer
⚽TODAY⚽!!! Come on out and watch the 🏴🚩BMS🚩🏴 Soccer game at 3:30pm!! Make sure you don't miss a chance to cheer on your favorite Red👹Devils!! $5 admission. Bring the heat!!🔥🔥🔥
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
soccer game flyer
✨DON'T FORGET✨!!🍁Fall Picture Retakes🍁 are TOMORROW at BMS!! Get those pearly whites ready!!😁
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
fall picture day retakes flyer
🌟The BMS PTO🌟 needs YOUR help with 3 parents at ⚽ALL HOME SOCCER GAMES⚽ to generate proceeds to go towards athletic👕uniforms & other needs. Signup 📄sheets are in the front office. Let's work together to help our athletes look top 🎽notch while they compete!!😎🔥😎
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
soccer volunteer flyer
Come visit 🌟Ms. Cavenaugh's🌟 classroom during teacher planning and student PA times at 🏴🚩BMS🚩🏴!! 🎁The Making Scents Store🎁 is open from Monday through Friday. Come get all of your favorite holiday gifts, jewelry, & more!! Made by Ms. Cavenaugh's very own Red😈Devils!!
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
making scents store flyer
The month of November was 🌟National Career Awareness Month🌟!! Here are some helpful tips for achieving career success!!😎
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
8 tips for career success flyer with information and graphics
✨DON'T FORGET✨!!🍁Fall Picture Retakes🍁 are this Friday, December 1st at BMS!! Get those pearly whites ready!!😁
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
picture day retakes flyer
In conjunction with BMS' School Improvement Team (SIT), we are asking all parents & guardians to help us out by completing a survey on school safety & school culture/climate!!😎 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSexKu0rWjuvVkqU5W5ekhA9gQlTz8dY_RpnKXTPe15ytbr_Iw/viewform
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
school culture survey
🌟The BMS PTO🌟 needs YOUR help with 3 parents at ⚽ALL HOME SOCCER GAMES⚽ to generate proceeds to go towards athletic👕uniforms & other needs. Signup 📄sheets are in the front office. Let's work together to help our athletes look top 🎽notch while they compete!!😎🔥😎
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
soccer game volunteer flyer
Interested in joining the📣BMS Cheer Team📣? Cheer Tryouts are TODAY and Friday, 12/1 until 4:30pm!! It will be a closed practice in the gym. Students must have a physical. See Ms. Ownbey for an application. Go, Red😈Devils!!
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
cheer tryouts flyer
🥳SAVE THE DATE🥳!!! BMS' PBIS & Student Support invite you to 🕺🏽Sneaker Ball🕺🏽A Dress to Impress Event👗👔!! Mark your calendar for December 15th. See flyer details below!! 💃🏽🔥🕺
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
sneaker ball flyer with information and graphics
Come visit 🌟Ms. Cavenaugh's🌟 classroom during teacher planning and student PA times at 🏴🚩BMS🚩🏴!! 🎁The Making Scents Store🎁 is open from Monday through Friday. Come get all of your favorite holiday gifts, jewelry, & more!! Made by Ms. Cavenaugh's very own Red😈Devils!!
over 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
making scents store flyer