Please join us for a State of the Union Address for BMS! Principal Brian Allen will provide the current state of BMS with ways our community can support the school TONIGHT, 2/1/24@ 6PM in the BMS Media Center. Please come prepared to hear ways you can support our school!

📣ATTENTION📣!! Our 8th grade students will visit PHS on Friday, 2/2 & HTHS on Tuesday, 2/6 based on their school assignment for the 24-25 school year. Permission slips were sent home!

Please join us for a State of the Union Address for BMS! Principal Brian Allen will provide the current state of BMS with ways our community can support the school TOMORROW NIGHT, 2/1/24@ 6PM in the BMS Media Center. Please come prepared to hear ways you can support our school!

🌟ATTENTION!!!🌟Remember to bring your💻chromebook to school EVERY DAY fully🔋charged. ALL students are expected to have their chromebook for class. We are TESTING TOMORROW!! Let's continue to be prepared for success, Red😈Devils!!!🔥🔥🔥

💫Get Ready💫!! February 2nd and 6th are Middle School Transition Days!! February 6th is Elective Information Night!! See flyer for details.😎

✨National School Counselor's Week✨ is February 5th - 9th and BMS wants to show 🌼Dr. Jordan🌼how much we appreciate her next week!! We love ALL the great things she does at BMS for students, families, and staff!! Thank you!!💖

Our🚩🏴BMS PTO🚩🏴needs your help running concessions for🏀Home Basketball Games🏀!! Please email @ bmspto678@gmail.com if you're interested. All money raised goes back to our school!! Go, Red😈Devils!!🔥🔥🔥

📣ATTENTION📣A photographer from Strawbridge Studios will be at BMS on February 22nd to photograph your sports pictures!! See information posted in the flyers below!!😎

✨TONIGHT!!✨ Come on down to an Incredible Years session at Malpass Corner Elementary now from now through April 23rd on Tuesdays from 5:30-7:30pm! Childcare, snacks, & dinner to send home included. Parents don't need to have a child at the school in order to participate.

📣ATTENTION!📣There are 🏀NO BASKETBALL GAMES TODAY🏀!!! They have been moved to Wednesday, February 7th. The boys and girls teams will have practice instead. See Coach Brown if you have any questions.

🌟ATTENTION!!!🌟Remember to bring your💻chromebook to school EVERY DAY fully🔋charged. ALL students are expected to have their chromebook for class. We are TESTING THIS WEEK!! Let's continue to be prepared for success, Red😈Devils!!!🔥🔥🔥

👀ATTENTION!!!👀BMS Yearbooks are NOW ON SALE😎!!! $20 per yearbook. The last day to purchase one is March 1st. Get yours today, Red😈Devils!!!

💖💐SAVE THE DATE!!!!💐💖Join us for our Red😈Devil Valentine's Day Dance on Friday, February 9th in the Burgaw Middle School Gymnasium at 3pm!! See flyer for details. 🔥🔥🔥

Need help creating and setting up your 💫Rooms Account💫? Follow this Parent/Guardian Support Guide😎!!

Please join us for a State of the Union Address! Principal Brian Allen will provide the current state of BMS with ways our community can support the school THIS Thursday, 2/1/24@ 6PM in the BMS Media Center. Please come prepared to hear ways you can support our school!

Burgaw Middle School Families,
As you prepare to start your weekend, I would like to bring two items to you. #1 Our BMS PTO needs your help running concessions for home basketball games. Please email @ bmspto678@gmail.com if you're interested. All money raised goes back to our school!
#2 Please join us for our State of the Union Burgaw Middle School address on Thursday, February 1, 2024 @ 6:00pm in the media center. Please come out to find ways you can support our school.
Have a great weekend.

Good Afternoon Burgaw Middle School Families,
Please see your updates for the week of January 29-February 2, 2024 https://www.smore.com/xw4ns.
Have a great weekend.

🌟ATTENTION!!!🌟Remember to bring your💻chromebook to school EVERY DAY fully🔋charged. ALL students are expected to have their chromebook for class. We are TESTING THIS WEEK!! Let's continue to be prepared for success, Red😈Devils!!!🔥🔥🔥

💫Attention BMS Parents & Guardians!!!!💫Check out how Major Clarity is being used at our school. For more information, check out the link - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hu4gXv5spmHZPYXXFzv5iWOAUJC9TyfUyvE_2IMt8z4/edit 🔥😎🔥

👀UPCOMING!!!👀The 1865 Society of Pender County presents its 💫1st Annual Spelling Bee Competition💫!! Semi-Finals will take place in March & the Finals will take place in May. If you signed up, don't forget to practice!!🌼