👀UPCOMING!!!👀The 1865 Society of Pender County presents its 💫1st Annual Spelling Bee Competition💫!! Semi-Finals will take place in March & the Finals will take place in May. If you signed up, don't forget to practice!!🌼
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
spelling bee flyer
spelling bee terms to study
ACCESS Testing for some BMS students will take place TOMORROW through FRIDAY. Letters have gone home with the students testing. Please ensure your child gets a good night's sleep, turns off electronics before bedtime, & charges their chromebooks. Best of luck BMS students!!👍🏽
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
ACCESS Testing
💖💐THIS FRIDAY!!!!💐💖Join us for our Red😈Devil Valentine's Day Dance in the Burgaw Middle School Gymnasium at 3pm!! See flyer for details. 🔥🔥🔥
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
Valentines Day Dance Flyer
📣ATTENTION📣!! Our 8th grade students will visit Heide Trask High School TOMORROW, Tuesday, February 6th based on their school assignment for the 2024-2025 school year. Permission slips were sent home! Don't forget to attend the information sessions in the evening! See flyer.
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
transition day flyer
✨National School Counselor's Week✨ is February 5th - 9th and BMS wants to show 🌼Dr. Jordan🌼how much we appreciate her THIS week!! We love ALL the great things she does at BMS for students, families, and staff!! Thank you!!💖
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
school counselor week flyer
Our🚩🏴BMS PTO🚩🏴needs your help running concessions for🏀Home Basketball Games🏀!! Please email @ bmspto678@gmail.com if you're interested. All money raised goes back to our school!! Go, Red😈Devils!!🔥🔥🔥
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
basketball flyer
📣ATTENTION📣A photographer from Strawbridge Studios will be at BMS on February 22nd to photograph your sports pictures!! See information posted in the flyers below!!😎
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
sports pic date and info
order form for pictures
specialty print info
🌟GET READY🌟 for the annual 👷🏽‍♀️Job Shadow Day👷🏽‍♂️ on February 29th from 8am - 12pm! The deadline for returning signed agreement forms is Wednesday, February 21st. Please see 🌼Dr. Jordan and Mrs. Brown🌼 for more information!!😎
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
job shadow day
job shadow day spanish
💘Don't forget to send your BMS Student a💐💕Valentine's Day Candy Gram💕💐 this year!! See flyer for details.💖💖💖🔥🔥🔥
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
valentine's day grams for students
Good Afternoon Burgaw Middle School Families, Please see your updates for the week of February 5-9, 2024 https://www.smore.com/zh4bv. Have a great weekend.
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
BMS Updates
🌟ATTENTION!!!🌟Remember to bring your💻chromebook to school EVERY DAY fully🔋charged. ALL students are expected to have their chromebook for class. Let's continue to be prepared for success, Red😈Devils!!!🔥🔥🔥
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
chromebook reminder
📣ATTENTION📣A photographer from Strawbridge Studios will be at BMS on February 22nd to photograph your sports pictures!! See information posted in the flyers below!!😎
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
sports picture flyer
picture prices
sports picture flyer with options
Our🚩🏴BMS PTO🚩🏴needs your help running concessions for🏀Home Basketball Games🏀!! Please email @ bmspto678@gmail.com if you're interested. All money raised goes back to our school!! Go, Red😈Devils!!🔥🔥🔥
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
basketball flyer
🌟GET READY🌟 for the annual 👷🏽‍♀️Job Shadow Day👷🏽‍♂️ on February 29th from 8am - 12pm! The deadline for returning signed agreement forms is Wednesday, February 21st. Please see 🌼Dr. Jordan and Mrs. Brown🌼 for more information!!😎
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
PCS Job Shadow Day Flyer
DON'T FORGET to join us for a State of the Union Address! Principal Brian Allen will provide the current state of BMS with ways our community can support the school TONIGHT, 2/1/24@ 6PM in the BMS Media Center. Please come prepared to hear ways you can support our school!
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
state of the union flyer
🏀TODAY🏀!!! Make sure you don't miss a chance to cheer on your favorite Red👹Devils at TODAY'S🥳Basketball games!! Start time is 4:30pm. $5 admission. Bring the heat!!🔥🏆🔥🏆🔥
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
Thursday basketball game flyer
🌟ATTENTION!!!🌟Remember to bring your💻chromebook to school EVERY DAY fully🔋charged. ALL students are expected to have their chromebook for class. Let's continue to be prepared for success, Red😈Devils!!!🔥🔥🔥
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
chromebook reminder flyer
📣ATTENTION📣A photographer from Strawbridge Studios will be at BMS on February 22nd to photograph your sports pictures!! See information posted in the flyers below!!😎
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
picture day for sports flyer
picture day order sheet
sports pics information
Our🚩🏴BMS PTO🚩🏴needs your help running concessions for🏀Home Basketball Games🏀!! Please email @ bmspto678@gmail.com if you're interested. All money raised goes back to our school!! Go, Red😈Devils!!🔥🔥🔥
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
pto basketball volunteer flyer
✨National School Counselor's Week✨ is February 5th - 9th and BMS wants to show 🌼Dr. Jordan🌼how much we appreciate her next week!! We love ALL the great things she does at BMS for students, families, and staff!! Thank you!!💖
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
school counselors week information