Thanks to everyone who came out for the CFM ELA/Math Bingo Night! We hope everyone had a great time and learned a lot of great ways to prepare for the EOG's next month.
#gogrizzlies #pcsed

If you didn't make it to Bingo Night, sorry we missed you! You can still see our EOG prep hints here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vROjf37JKWkmYH8k3cHx248jMLxcSfqC5PIj81SLY_sdvGiHvd3qKup9Sf6p2X2DPDf0IwS29YhbeKy/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.p

Join us tonight for Family Night from 5-7!
#gogrizzlies #pcsed

Grizzly families, open this link for the April 2022 middle school newsletter!
#pcsed #gogrizzlies

Good luck to our volleyball and baseball teams as they play away games at Burgaw this afternoon!

Congratulations to our April Students of the Month!!

Rising 6th grade Grizzlies! Head out to CFM on Thursday, April 28th from 5-7 for Transition Night to see the school and meet your new teachers!

CFM students who live outside of our districted lines must submit the reassignment request form by May 1st. Please visit https://penderncc.scriborder.com/ and open the "Reassignment Application in-county" link. If you have any questions, contact our data manager Jen Julien.

We are in need of volunteers to help proctor our EOG’s on May 10th, 12th, and 17th. Helping us proctor our exams will make our testing environment run smoothly. If you are interested, please email Mrs. Manor at jamie_manor@pender.k12.nc.us or call 910-602-3334.

Any students who are interested in playing sports next year may visit HTHS from 5:00-7:00 on April 26th in the library for a free sports physical!

As the 2022 Statewide Primary is nearing (May 17), a reminder that the distribution or display of political materials is prohibited.

CFM, to show support of our military families and students, we ask that everyone wear purple on Thursday, April 14th for Purple Up! Day. Follow this link for more information: https://veteran.com/purple-up-day/
#gogrizzlies #pcsed

CFM Grizzlies! Check out the flyer for submission information about the 22-23 agenda cover contest!

7th-12th grade students will have a chance to shadow jobs in the community on April 22nd, Job Shadow Day. Interested students need to turn their form in to Ms. Bowman by April 19th!

Grizzly families, if your student needs bus transportation for the 2022-2023 school year, be sure to turn in the form linked below by 5:00pm May 9th!

Good luck to the baseball and volleyball teams today as they play their first games of the season at home!

Today kicks off Assistant Principal appreciation week, and all of us at CFM are glad to have Mrs. Manor here as our AP!
#gogrizzlies #pcsed

Congratulations to Mr. Bailey for Teacher of the Month and Ms. Faye for Kudos of the Month!
#gogrizzlies #pcsed

Congratulations to the CFMS 21-22 Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Jenny Taylor! https://youtu.be/WGxvJG2GyUw

Congratulations to our March 2022 Students of the Month!
#gogrizzlies #pcsed