Ms. Thompson's class are working on place value in math, so they were assigned a monster with a specific total value and had to show the expanded form, word form, and standard form of the number! Great job!
Unleash Your School Spirit!
Today we celebrated the PAWS-itive behavior our Cubs have shown this first nine weeks! How many books can you guess from these awesome costumes?
Mrs.Bass' class reached 50 paw prints and chose Mr. Chris to be their guest reader all the way from England!
4th Grade wrapped up their Animal Communication unit in Science by creating Firefly Habitats.
This year, 4th Graders had some interesting visitors. Part of our Science Unit, 4th grade students observed the different ways animals communicate. Wave hello to our little Fiddler Crab Friends, they may just wave back!
🍬🍭Candy Competiton Winner🍭🍬
Ms. Hamiltons class with 2,290 pieces of candy!
Thank you to all of our CFE families for helping make the Fall Festival such a success!
Mark your calendar. Fall Picture Make -Up Day is November 14th.
Good evening Cub family, this is Dr. Oates with your Sunday reminders and updates.
The flu clinic will be at CFE on Tuesday, November 12th at 7:30 am. If you would like your child to have a flu shot here at school that will be given by the health department you will need to fill out an online permission form. Paper copies are also available by reqeust.
Dental Screening will begin for all Kindergarten students on Wednesday, November 13th. Please let your teacher know if you do not want your child to participate.
Over the next several months, Pender County Schools will embark on creating its next strategic plan. This plan will guide our efforts over the next five years, setting a clear direction, aligning our efforts, and holding us accountable to PCS students, staff, and families. We hope that it will reflect our community’s goals for our students and inform how we prepare each student for their future. We need you! Please take the time to provide your valuable input by filling out the survey sent out on Friday.
This is a reminder if you need to change your child’s transportation arrangements, please send a note to your child’s teacher. If a change must be made by phone, please contact us by 2:00 pm. Additionally, there are no checkouts after 2:00pm. When signing your child out, please remain inside the office.
Remember CFE is the place to be! One Team, One Dream! Have a great rest of your evening.
Power has been restored to all of the affected schools. Thank you for your patience.
La energía ha sido restaurada en todas las escuelas afectadas. Gracias por su paciencia.
We’ve been informed by Four County Electric about a power outage currently affecting several schools in the Rocky Point area. The following schools are experiencing outages:
Rocky Point Elementary, Cape Fear Middle, Cape Fear Elementary, Pender Innovative Learning Academy, Heide Trask High.
Our teams are closely monitoring the situation, and Four County Electric is working to restore power as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Ms. McGrainer's class enjoyed their attendance popcorn party!!
This month's character trait emphasis was Responsibility. We were happy to recognize these students on showing how responsible they can be. Congratulations to this months winners. Way to Go Cubs! #oneteamonedream
🍁🎃Today is Fall Festival! 🎃🍁
Cape Fear Elementary School is excited to announce that we will be having a Book Character Dress Up Day on Thursday, October 31st, to celebrate the PAWS-itive behavior students have shown this first nine weeks! On that day, students are invited to come to school dressed up as a character from a favorite book and should be prepared to describe both the character and the book their costume represents.
These kiddos earned their attendance popcorn party! Congratulations Ms. Brickner's Class!
Third grade has been learning about scuba diver Jacques Cousteau in Wit&Wisdom. Students got to learn more about scuba diving and see some gear thanks to Mr. Brantley!
Kindergarten has been singing and acting out "Five Little Pumpkins" in music class! Such great theater skills!
Twinning in 4th grade!
3rd grade enjoyed this hands on activity where they were measuring 10ml to see how many milliliters make 1L and creating a beaker.