🌟ATTENTION!!!🌟Remember to bring your💻chromebook to school EVERY DAY fully🔋charged. ALL students are expected to have their chromebook for class. Let's continue to be prepared for success, Red😈Devils!!!🔥🔥🔥
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
chromebook reminder
🌟GET READY🌟 for the annual 👷🏽‍♀️Job Shadow Day👷🏽‍♂️ on February 29th from 8am - 12pm! The deadline for returning signed agreement forms is Wednesday, February 21st. Please see 🌼Dr. Jordan and Mrs. Brown🌼 for more information!!😎
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
job shadow flyer
job shadow flyer in spanish
👀UPCOMING!!!👀The 1865 Society of Pender County presents its 💫1st Annual Spelling Bee Competition💫!! The 1st rounds of the Spelling Bee will take place on 2/20 for 6th grade, 2/21 for 7th grade, and 2/28 for 8th grade. If you signed up, don't forget to practice!!🌼
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
spelling bee flyer
spelling bee terms to study
🌟BMS Colorguard Makes Its Debut!!🌟Members of the🚩🏴BMS Color Guard🏴🚩 presented the colors at our recent home🏀basketball game on Feb 5th. Come out and support them as they perform at future games!!🔥🔥🔥 Check out the video here -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g-vCJEilnU
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
BMS Color Guard Debut
👀ATTENTION!!!👀BMS Yearbooks are NOW ON SALE😎!!! $20 per yearbook. The last day to purchase one is March 1st. Get yours today, Red😈Devils!!!
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
yearbook sale
In conjunction with BMS' School Improvement Team (SIT), we are asking all parents & guardians to help us out by completing a survey on school safety & school culture/climate!!😎 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSexKu0rWjuvVkqU5W5ekhA9gQlTz8dY_RpnKXTPe15ytbr_Iw/viewform
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
school climate survey information
February is 💘Love the Bus Month💖and THIS week we'll be💐showering our favorite bus drivers with🙏🏽appreciation from February 12th - 16th for🚍Love the Bus Week🚍!! Start showing some love for your bus drivers, 🏴🚩BMS🚩🏴!!
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
love the bus week
Our🚩🏴BMS PTO🚩🏴needs your help running concessions for🏀Home Basketball Games🏀!! Please email @ bmspto678@gmail.com if you're interested. All money raised goes back to our school!! Go, Red😈Devils!!🔥🔥🔥
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
bms basketball
📣ATTENTION📣A photographer from Strawbridge Studios will be at BMS on February 22nd to photograph your sports pictures!! See information posted in the flyers below!!😎
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
sports pics image
sports pics order info
sports pic specialty prints info
🌟ATTENTION!!!🌟Remember to bring your💻chromebook to school EVERY DAY fully🔋charged. ALL students are expected to have their chromebook for class. Let's continue to be prepared for success, Red😈Devils!!!🔥🔥🔥
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
chromebook reminder
🌟GET READY🌟 for the annual 👷🏽‍♀️Job Shadow Day👷🏽‍♂️ on February 29th from 8am - 12pm! The deadline for returning signed agreement forms is Wednesday, February 21st. Please see 🌼Dr. Jordan and Mrs. Brown🌼 for more information!!😎
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
job shadow day flyer
job shadow flyer in spanish
👀UPCOMING!!!👀The 1865 Society of Pender County presents its 💫1st Annual Spelling Bee Competition💫!! The 1st rounds of the Spelling Bee will take place on 2/20 for 6th grade, 2/21 for 7th grade, and 2/28 for 8th grade. If you signed up, don't forget to practice!!🌼
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
spelling bee flyer
spelling bee terms to study
👀ATTENTION!!!👀BMS Yearbooks are NOW ON SALE😎!!! $20 per yearbook. The last day to purchase one is March 1st. Get yours today, Red😈Devils!!!
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
yearbook sale
💘Don't forget to send your BMS Student a💐💕Valentine's Day Candy Gram💕💐 this year!! Delivery is💟TOMORROW!!!💟 See flyer for details.💖💖💖🔥🔥🔥
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
candy gram info
February is 💘Love the Bus Month💖and THIS week we'll be💐showering our favorite bus drivers with🙏🏽appreciation from February 12th - 16th for🚍Love the Bus Week🚍!! Start showing some love for your bus drivers, 🏴🚩BMS🚩🏴!!
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
love the bus week
Check out ✨Principal Brian Allen's State of the Union Address✨ from February 1st to find out the 😈BIG CHANGES😈 being made at 🚩🏴BMS🏴🚩!! The QR code to schedule a meeting is attached below. Link to video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZx-J7e4-f4 🔥🔥🔥
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
State of the Union with Prerecorded Video Link
QR Code to Schedule a Meeting
✨TONIGHT!!✨ Come on down to an Incredible Years session at Malpass Corner Elementary now from now through April 23rd on Tuesdays from 5:30-7:30pm! Childcare, snacks, & dinner to send home included. Parents don't need to have a child at the school in order to participate.
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
Cape Fear HOP Information 1
Cape Fear HOP Information 2
Cape Fear HOP Information Spanish
📣ATTENTION📣A photographer from Strawbridge Studios will be at BMS on February 22nd to photograph your sports pictures!! See information posted in the flyers below!!😎
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
sports pics flyer
order info
specialty prints
🌟ATTENTION!!!🌟Remember to bring your💻chromebook to school EVERY DAY fully🔋charged. ALL students are expected to have their chromebook for class. Let's continue to be prepared for success, Red😈Devils!!!🔥🔥🔥
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
chromebook reminder
🌟GET READY🌟 for the annual 👷🏽‍♀️Job Shadow Day👷🏽‍♂️ on February 29th from 8am - 12pm! The deadline for returning signed agreement forms is Wednesday, February 21st. Please see 🌼Dr. Jordan and Mrs. Brown🌼 for more information!!😎
about 1 year ago, Burgaw Middle School
job shadow flyer
job shadow flyer in spanish