Be sure to turn in your job shadow applications by February 21st!
Congratulations, Ms. Simpson!
Last home game of the season is tomorrow! Come out, and support our Warriors!
CTE Month Spirit Week starts Monday!
Home game number 3 for the week. Go Warriors!
Tomorrow is the day to eat breakfast with your Warrior! Be sure to sign up!
You definitely don't want to miss the home basketball game tomorrow! Come out and support our Warriors!
Come eat breakfast with your Warrior this Thursday!
CTE Month Spirit Week starts next week!
Donuts with grown-ups is this Thursday morning! Come join your Warrior for breakfast!
Our students have been provided a variety of awesome experiences this year!
One of Beta's commitments is to provide ongoing service to others. For one of their outreach projects, WPMS Beta members chose to create Valentine cards for patients at UNC Children's Hospital.
This is a big week for home games! First home game of the week is tomorrow! Come out and support our Warriors!
Way to go, Maria!
WPMS students shine at the 2024 National Beta State Convention!
Be sure to turn in your job shadow applications by February 21st!
First home game of the season tomorrow!
Congratulations, Christian!