Turn in those forms!
Save the date!
You can still register your student for the 2024 Career Academy! To sign up online, go to You can also see Ms. AJ or Mrs. Sarah Grace to get a paper registration form.
MCES 5th grade parents: save the date! If you are not able to attend in person, you have three other options: 1) click this link 2) scan the QR code below or 3) dial the phone number and enter the PIN
Save the dates!
The reading end of grade test is tomorrow!
End of grade tests start tomorrow! Be sure your student(s) comes to school well rested!
Be sure to go get your FREE sports physical tomorrow! Bring in a completed physical form. Park in the HTHS student parking lot, and enter at the main gym entrance.
MCES 5th grade parents: save the date! If you are not able to attend in person, you have three other options: 1) click this link 2) scan the QR code below or 3) dial the phone number and enter the PIN
Mark your calendars for FREE sports physicals! Bring in a completed physical form. Park in the HTHS student parking lot, and enter at the main gym entrance.
End of grade testing starts next week!
🌟 Join us for an important discussion on Healthy Teen Relationships! 💑 Dive into adolescent brain development, peer pressure, and the influence of social media on behavior. Gain tools and resources to support meaningful conversations - Heide Trask HS May 13, Topsail HS May 14th
Save the dates!
There are not many spots left! Register your student today for the 2024 Career Academy! To sign up online, go to You can also see Ms. AJ or Mrs. Sarah Grace to get a paper registration form.
WPMS Beta Club is named a National Beta All Star Service Club! Congratulations!
Mark your calendars for FREE sports physicals! Bring in a completed physical form. Park in the HTHS student parking lot, and enter at the main gym entrance.
End of grade testing starts next week!
Save the dates!
Only 25 spots left! Register your student today for the 2024 Career Academy! To sign up online, go to You can also see Ms. AJ or Mrs. Sarah Grace to get a paper registration form.