Weekly Warrior Message from Mrs. Garza

Good evening West Pender Middle School families, this is Principal Garza with your Weekly Warrior message. A reminder that this Monday, January 16th, West Pender will be closed in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.

This past week was a smooth first week back in 2023. All homeroom teachers reviewed our school-wide expectations. We do ask that families review behavior expectations as well so that we can work together as a community to keep our school safe and orderly:  

  1. Cell phones and bluetooth/wireless headphones should remain out of sight while students are on campus unless usage is directed by the classroom teacher. 

  2. Any personal smart devices should be on airplane mode while at school including smart watches. 

  3. Students are expected to keep their hands and feet to themselves at all times. Horseplay is unacceptable at any time. Hands-on behavior also includes public displays of affection. 

  4. Late car riders are expected to report to the front office starting at 7:45 a.m. with a parent to sign-in.  Students are not permitted to sign-in without a parent.

  5. Students will respect all environments within the school.  Defacing school property will not be tolerated as it can result in civil and criminal consequences. 

Thank you in advance for reviewing these expectations with your West Pender Warrior. 

Our CFCC Career Academy is now registering students for the WPMS Career Academy Summer Enrichment Camp! This is an exciting two week opportunity for our students to get hands on experience in future careers as they explore the many programs at Cape Fear Community College and it is complete FREE for WPMS students! Access the Career Chronicles newsletter for the month of January attached to this Sunday message for more information on how to register.

RTF Training: This Wednesday, January 18th, at 7:00PM,  EMS, fire department personnel, police, and other potential first responders will be conducting Rescue Task Force (RTF) training on our campus. They will park closest to the media center and will utilize the cafeteria, media center, and 6th grade classrooms to conduct their training. Do not be alarmed by the presence of emergency personnel or visible firearms.  This tactical training prepares a team of first responders and law enforcement with the critical skills necessary to carry out emergency medical care and evacuation in the event of an emergency on school grounds.  This training will not disrupt our afterschool program or athletic practices after school. 

WPMS Athletics: Individual teams have practice this week. Athletes should follow the practice schedule distributed by their coach for accurate dates and times

2023 WPMS Basketball Game Schedule

Important Upcoming Dates:  Monday, January 23rd - HOME Basketball Game 4:00PM

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Weekly Warrior Messages can also be found here: https://sites.google.com/pende...