Weekly Warrior Message from Mrs. Garza

Good evening West Pender Middle School families, this is Principal Garza with your Weekly Warrior message. 

We have only two days of school left in 2022! This Tuesday, December 20th is the last day in quarter two. This means that students have until this Tuesday to turn in all late assignments. 

Another reminder that our West Pender yearbooks are now for sale for only $20.00. Order now to secure this low price. Go to the link embedded in this Sunday message to place your order:  https://strawbridge.fotomerchanthv.com/search/YB27124


WPMS Athletics: 

We have no athletic events on the calendar for this week. 

Important Upcoming Dates: 

Monday, January 9th - First student day back to campus in the new year.

Thursday, January 12th - Report Cards Issued


Connect with Us:  


The Weekly Warrior Messages can also be found here: https://sites.google.com/pende...