Good evening West Pender Middle School families, this is Principal Garza with your Weekly Warrior message.
This week is a short school week. We will have school this Monday and Tuesday and then Wednesday through Friday our campus will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
In our continued celebration of National Career Development Month, we will have guest presenters on campus this week from CFCC to speak to our students about future careers in dental hygiene and chemical technology. Additionally, our district CTE Liaison will be on campus to teach a lesson on Personality Styles to all of our 8th graders. This lesson will provide 8th grade students with a window into how they think and learn in the classroom.
Families just a reminder that the weather is is cooling down. Please ensure that all students are dressed appropriately so they can be comfortable both inside and out.
WPMS Athletics:
Monday, November 21st - Soccer HOME vs. Topsail Middle School
Connect with Us:
PCS website:
WPMS website:
PCS App-download it and select West Pender Middle from the school list
Weekly Warrior Messages can also be found here: