Weekly Warrior Message from Mrs. Garza

Good evening West Pender Middle School families, this is Principal Garza with your Weekly Warrior message. 

This past week your child was sent home with several items including their iReady diagnostic testing results, NC Check-in results, and a letter regarding staffing at WPMS. Please be sure to ask about these items if you have not already seen them. Speaking of staffing, we also want to welcome two new teachers to the Warrior staff this week: Katlyn Removchik our new 7th grade Reading and Social Studies teacher and Douglas Gimlin, our new Health & Physical Education teacher. Welcome to the Warrior Family!

Late in this week, PCS students will be asked to participate in a brief screener to assist us in uncovering and addressing the social and emotional well-being of our students. With a continued commitment to addressing social and emotional barriers to learning, we are asking that all students enrolled in our school complete the Pupil Attitudes to Self and School (PASS) survey.  We will be sending home a letter describing the PASS program.  If you do not wish for your child to participate in this screening process, please fill out the bottom portion of the form and return it to your child’s teacher. If you would like to print a letter now, copies are attached to this Sunday message. 

 Consent Form - English  Consent Form - Spanish

This week we continue to celebrate our October Month of Awareness with SPIRIT week. Please be sure to access the digital version of this message or check us out on Facebook to see each of our spirit days! Tomorrow we look forward to seeing everyone in their favorite hat! 

WPMS Athletics: We have one athletic events scheduled for this week. On Wednesday, October 19th our football players will play at Penderlea School for our last home game of the season at 4:30PM. We will also be recognizing our cheerleaders and football players at the game!

2022-2023 Football Schedule

This week we also have boys and girls soccer tryouts! Open workouts will be Monday and Wednesday of this week from 3:00 - 5:00PM and tryouts will be Thursday and Friday from 3:00-5:00PM. All athletes must have a current physical and concussion form on file with the WPMS in order to participate. 

Upcoming Events: 

  • October 21st - End of Quarter 1

  • October 24th - 25th - PCS Fall Break

  • Wednesday, October 26, 2022 - 4:30PM PTO Meeting & BETA Induction Ceremony (rescheduled from 9/29/2022)

  • Thursday, October 27th, 2022 - Make-up Picture Day & Report Cards

  • Wednesday, November 9th - WPMS Curriculum Fair - 5:30PM - 7:00PM

Connect with Us:  

Weekly Warrior Messages can also be found here: https://sites.google.com/pende...