Weekly Warrior Message from Mrs. Garza

Good evening West Pender Middle School families, this is Principal Garza with your Weekly Warrior message. 

We had a very successful start to the month of October. Be on the lookout for your child’s individual student reports from the completion of their NC Check-in state testing this past week. These assessments are not recorded as a grade but do help teachers in developing lessons specifically for the needs of our students. 

Did you know that WPMS is piloting a unique program with Cape Fear Community College? This month our CFCC career liaisons are sharing with our Warrior community the first monthly CFCC Career Chronicles. This monthly newsletter will highlight the unique opportunities that our partnership with CFCC provides the students at WPMS and this month will introduce to our CFCC onsite staff.  

Did you know that October is the Month of Awareness and Bullying Prevention Month?

Week 1: Mental Health Awareness - Students participated lessons on Mental Health.

Week 2: Special Needs Awareness - Student lessons targeted on understanding and respecting others’ differences.

Week 3: Bullying Awareness - Student lessons targeted on the recognition and prevention of bullying.

Week 4: Red Ribbon Week , also known as Drug Awareness Week- This week we will engage in lessons targeted about the importance of being drug free.  Additionally, we will end our month of awareness with Spirit Week! Students have been asked to give their feedback in a survey for their Spirit Week picks.  

WPMS Athletics: We have two athletic events scheduled for this week. On Wednesday, October 12th our football players will play at Penderlea School at 4:30PM and on Thursday, October 13th,  our softball players will play at Penderlea at 4:00PM.  We hope to see you all there! 

2022-2023 Football Schedule

2022-2023 Softball Schedule

Upcoming Events: 

  • October 21st, 2022End of Quarter 1

  • October 24th - 25th, 2022PCS Fall Break

  • Wednesday, October 26, 20224:30PM PTO Meeting & BETA Induction Ceremony (rescheduled from 9/29/2022)

  • Thursday, October 27th, 2022Make-up Picture Day & Report Cards

  • Wednesday, November 9th, 2022: WPMS Curriculum Fair - 5:30PM - 7:00PM

Connect with Us:  


Weekly Warrior Messages can also be found here: https://sites.google.com/pende...