Weekly Warrior Message

Dear Warrior Community,

Principal Garza here with your Weekly Warrior Message. The month of March kicks-off our WPMS Countdown to Slam the Exam! This past week we gave our second prizes for our weekly iReady Challenge winners. Each week we will celebrate our students work efforts as they work to finish this year academically strong.  Report cards will be issued Wednesday, March 27, 2024. 

Our Beta Club is sponsoring our Staff vs. Student Basketball Game on March 28th during school to support our Countdown to Slam the Exam and March Madness Month. Tickets are $5.00 or 3 canned goods. The money raised will be donated to the Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas and the canned goods will be donated to a local food pantry. We want all of our warrior students to attend. You can help sponsor all of our students by sending canned goods to WPMS prior to our Thursday game. Let’s work together to support our local food pantry!

Here are some other important updates and upcoming events:

Athletic Updates: 

-Baseball tryouts will resume Monday, March 25th; scheduled until 5:30PM at Pender Memorial Park. Transportation is provided to Pender Memorial Park but all athletes must be picked up from Pender Memorial Park no later than 5:30.  *All potential student athletes must have a PCS eligibility form, concussion form, and up to date physical on file to tryout. 

Upcoming Dates: 

-March 29th - Holiday - No School for Staff & Students

-April 4th - Spring Fest Night!

-April 27th - 8th Grade Formal

-April 29th - May 10th - Slam the Exam EOG Review Weeks

-May 6th-May 10th - Teacher Appreciation Week

Weekly Warrior Messages can also be found here: https://sites.google.com/pender.k12.nc.us/weekly-warrior-message/home

For further details and to stay connected:

Let's continue to #SETTHESTANDARD, unleash our #WARRIORPOWER, and experience excellence together in 2024!