Good evening West Pender Middle School families, this is Principal Garza with your Weekly Warrior message. This past week we had a very successful testing week. This week we will complete our 8th grade Science End of Grade exam and any make-up exams.
Parents and guardians, we need your help. You have the power to ensure that your child is mentally and physically ready for testing by:
Ensuring students get a quality night's rest (8-10 hours)
Talk with your child. Ask how they are feeling about the approaching exams.
Ensure they eat a healthy breakfast.
Remain positive! Staying calm & help them stay calm.
Practice some relaxation techniques - especially if they get test anxiety.
Family Guide to Assessment - English
Family Guide to Assessment - Spanish
This Friday, May 26th is the last official day of school for students this school year. All students will be issued their official report card on this day to bring home. Select students may be asked to join us starting May 30th for remediation and readministration of EOGs in an effort to provide students with an additional opportunity to maximize their proficiency on their assessments.
Students will bring home a transportation letter this week. Please complete this form immediately and return to school to secure bus transportation for the 2023-2024 school year.
Important Upcoming Dates:
May 23rd - Science End of Grade Exams - 8th grade only
May 25th - Grade Level & Athletic Awards (During the School Day)
May 25th - 8th grade Moving Up Ceremony & Awards 6:00PM
May 26th - Last Day for students - Field Day
May 30th - June 2nd - Remediation and Readministration
June 15th - June 30th - Summer Learning & Summer Bridge
Connect with Us:
PCS website:
WPMS website:
PCS App-download it and select West Pender Middle from the school list
Weekly Warrior Messages can also be found here: