Weekly Warrior Message from Mrs. Garza

Good evening West Pender Middle School families, this is Principal Garza with your Weekly Warrior message. We were very excited to welcome Dr. Breedlove to the WPMS campus this past Wednesday for his Listening & Learning series. He had the opportunity hear from parents, students, faculty and staff and learn all about warrior territory. 

This month we begin our countdown to Slam the Exam. In the month of March we start our March Madness campaign. This month we will begin our homeroom and grade level attendance challenge. Each week we will reward our homerooms with the highest school attendance percentage and each month we reward our highest grade level. Additionally, students will take their End of Year iReady diagnostic assessments starting this Monday and we will be celebrating student progress & achievement with our leadership board. 

PCS Transportation Department is preparing for the 2023-24 school year. The Transportation Department would like all parents to complete the following linked transportation form.  If you require a paper copy of this form,  your child can communicate with their homeroom teacher. 

Yearbooks: Another reminder that our West Pender yearbooks are for sale for $25.00. Order now to secure this low price. Go to the link embedded in this Sunday message to place your order:  https://strawbridge.fotomerchanthv.com/search/YB27124  You only have until April 14th to place your order. 

Summer Camp is Filling Up! We have less than 15 spots remaining for our CFCC Summer Camp. Check out this month’s Career Chronicles to register!

Athletic Updates

  • Practice Daily After School
  • Monday, April 3rd - HOME Volleyball Match

Important Upcoming Dates: 

  • Friday, April 7th - Holiday (No School)
  • Wednesday, April 12th - Spring Fest - Save the Date!
  • Saturday, April 22nd - 8th grade Formal

Connect with Us:  


Weekly Warrior Messages can also be found here: https://sites.google.com/pende...