UPDATE - (6:39p) - Thank you for your patience and assistance today as we worked through the water main break in our area.  Your assistance was crucial as we ensured that our students made it home safely and in a timely manner.

At this time, repairs have been made to our water supply and it is safe for our students to return to school tomorrow and we will be operating on normal schedule.

 UPDATE (1:11) - The water main has been repaired. Crews are currently flushing out the line and preparing to take water samples.

HAMPSTEAD, NC - Due to a water main break and resulting water outage early Thursday morning, students at Topsail-Annandale Elementary, Topsail Middle and Topsail High School will be released early. 

 Topsail-Annandale Elementary and Topsail Middle School will be released beginning at 10:15am followed by Topsail High School. Car riders at the affected schools may be picked up at any time. 

As our main priority is the safety and well-being of our students, Pender County Schools will have bottled water, food, and potable water for restrooms until all students are home. Repairs are currently in progress and once completed the water will be tested to ensure safety for consumption. 

 Pender County Schools will continue to provide updates on the outage and how it could impact schools in the coming days. Updates will be posted on pendercountyschools.net as well as our mobile app and all PCS social media platforms.