December 4, 2022
Good evening Topsail Middle families, this is Mr. Lawrence with this week's community message. I hope everyone had a safe and blessed thanksgiving break. We have new information to share this week, so check your email or the school website for our TMS community message.
We have created this Google Form to develop a deeper understanding of the volunteer opportunities you would be interested in. Also on the form, you will find questions to aid us in preparing for the book study with Mrs. Markijohn and future Coffee and Pastries meetings.
For over 30 years, the Community Holiday Assistance Program has served Eastern Pender County families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. Families receive a coupon for a fully-cooked Thanksgiving meal from Harris Teeter. At Christmas, families receive a gift card to a local grocery store and toys for their children through the free “Toy Shop” program. The program serves ages newborns to 18 (all school-age children). If your family is in need of holiday assistance, please complete the online referral form, linked below. If you have questions or need assistance completing the form, please contact Jill Markijohn, School Counselor at TMS. Click here to access our school’s referral form
TMS will be having our Fall Scholastic Book Fair December 1-9. Students who come enjoy purchasing their favorite books during school hours (7am-2:30pm). All proceeds will benefit our school library to buy new comfortable seating and rugs for students to enjoy using while reading at school. One change Scholastic has made, there will be tax added to purchases due to changes in their company. Ewallet is a good option to send money electronically for students to use during school. Ewallet is open from Nov. 10- Dec.9. Parent Volunteers are needed. Check HERE for updates, signing up for an e-wallet, and links to sign up to volunteer at our book fair this year! Any questions, contact Mrs. Engle at
The Builders Club is holding a Thanksgiving Food Drive to benefit the Pender Christian Services Food Bank. Please send in non-perishable items through Tuesday, November 22nd. Items needed include: toiletries, canned fruits, vegetables, soups, canned meats, peanut butter, hot and cold cereals, individually wrapped snack items for kids; and boxed mashed potatoes, stuffing, canned cranberry sauce, green beans, gravy, and yams/sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner. Collection boxes will be set up in front of the office. Thank you for helping families in our community!
Student progress reports are set to be sent home this week.
Athletics & Clubs
Our TMS Soccer Teams will have 3 games this week. On Monday our teams will travel to Burgaw, on Tuesday they will travel down highway 17 for a Surf City game, and our last regular season home game will be on Thursday when Cape Fear Grizzles come to town. Girls will play first, $5 to enter the games. More information will be going out next weekend in regards to post season tournament for soccer.
Boys and Girls basketball tryouts will take place when students return from Winter break on January 9. Please make sure your student athlete has completed all required physical forms before attending tryouts.
The Builders Club meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, please contact Mrs. Williams if you’d like to join!
SGA is back! Information was shared during Social Studies classes this week about our Student Government Association. Please speak with your students if they are interested. See this presentation for more information. Reach out to our advisors Ms. Bafunno ( or Mrs. Baer ( with any questions.
Topsail Baseball Christmas Camp: Saturday, Dec. 17th. All children K-8th grade are invited. Link for online registration. Topsail HS coaching staff and current professional and collegiate baseball players will be providing instruction
Team Newsletters:
8th Grade Newsletter
It's never too late to join the PTO! And we are always looking for volunteers. Come join us in helping to make TMS a place for our students and teachers to thrive!! ( )
We're taking reservations to paint the rock again this year! Please use the signup genius to reserve your date. Payments can be sent in with students or made to the PTO Venmo account. ( Click Here for the Reservation Form) We will no longer be using paper forms.
Still In Need of Spirit Wear? We’ve got you covered! Head over to the PTO and either print off the order form and send it in with your student or email it directly to the PTO. Paper forms will also be sent home with your students soon, so check those backpacks and folders. You may pay by cash, check, or Venmo. The shirts will be given to teachers to be distributed during homeroom the following week. (
Soccer Fans we have exciting news!!!! Cool beans Wilmington coffee truck will be at the soccer games on Monday, November 28th from 4-5:30. Please come out and show your support!
We'd love to have you join us at the book fair. If you can volunteer a couple of hours, here is the sign-up for a spot. If you love books and want to indulge, we are ready for that as well. Come on in during the fair!
Counselors Corner
If you’d like your child to speak to a counselor, please fill out this form as a referral.
If you or your child would like to report instances of possible bullying or harassment, please fill out this form.
At TMS, we offer a confidential program called MUNCH (Meals Until No Child Hungers). If your family could benefit from some additional food being sent home on the weekends, you simply fill out the form or contact one of our school counselors: Jill Markijohn or Melissa Jaworoski. There are no qualifications to be met; just let us know that you’re in need and we’ll supply a book bag/gym bag of food each week.
*****Be sure to follow us on Facebook by searching Topsail Middle School or on Twitter by searching for our handle which is @tms_pirates