Weekly Community Message from Mr. Lawrence

November 6, 2022

Good evening Topsail Middle families, this is Mr. Lawrence with this week's community message.   A very special thank you to all our armed forces as we celebrate your services to our Country this Friday.  As a reminder, we will not have school in observance of Veterans day this Friday, November 11.  Please be patient with car drop off and pick-ups at Topsail Middle on Tuesday, as our Auxiliary gym will be used as a voting precinct for Hampstead.  We have lots of new information to share this week so be sure to check your email or the school website for our TMS community message.

  • Mold Remediation update: I have been off campus and without Internet or cell service since Wednesday morning.  However, from what I have gathered, Advantaclean is continuing with the air duct cleaning and should now be moving into the 8th-grade building this week.  All air duct service cleaning will take place after school hours, or starting around 3:30 pm.

  • For over 30 years, the Community Holiday Assistance Program has served Eastern Pender County families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays.  Families receive a coupon for a fully-cooked Thanksgiving meal from Harris Teeter.  At Christmas, families receive a gift card to a local grocery store and toys for their children through the free “Toy Shop” program.  The program serves ages newborns to 18 (all school-age children).  If your family is in need of holiday assistance, please complete the online referral form, linked below.  If you have any questions or need assistance completing the form, please contact Jill Markijohn, School Counselor at TMS.  Click here to access our school’s referral form

  • Parents mark your calendars for our picture retake day will be Tuesday, November 15.  A flier can be found here for your convenience.  

  • We need a student-generated yearbook design for the 2022-23 TMS yearbook! The Theme this year is ...." It's Showtime!" ... as in Broadway showtime! Give it your best shot and return your drawings to Mrs. Fraz or Mrs. D to be considered! Remember Craftsmanship/ originality and theme consideration will make the winning design! Return no later than Nov 16th!! PLEASE FIND ENTRY FOLDERS OUTSIDE OF ART ROOM. First & Last name with grade level on the back of work in pencil.

  • Our middle school career fair, Fall Into Your Future, is hosted here at Topsail Middle.  The date will be November 18, 2022, from 8 am-11 am at TMS. We have created this flyer for the event, be sure to complete this Google Form if you are interested in assisting with this event.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Middle School Career Development Coordinator, Diane Simmons at diane_simmons@pender.k12.nc.us 

  • TMS will be hosting a Flu vaccination clinic during the week of November 14.  Only students with a completed permission slip may receive flu vaccinations.  Permission slips should be turned in on Monday, November 7 for anyone interested.


  • Our TMS Soccer Teams have two away games this week. Monday they’ll travel to Penderlea and Thursday they’ll travel to Surf City. Girls will play first at 4, followed by the boys. With daylight savings time ending this week, some games may start earlier since Topsail Middle is the only middle school in Pender County with lights.  $5 to enter the games. GOOD LUCK PIRATES!

  • Battle of the Books Tryouts will be on Tuesday, November 15 during LUNCH! Those who attended the interest meeting, check your email for practice kahoots! If you’re still interested but couldn’t attend the meeting, please reach out to Mrs. Engle as soon as possible.

  • Thank you to everyone who attended FCA on Friday. Our next gathering will be on December 2nd. Save the date, you know the fun holiday-themed games we’ll play!

Team Newsletters:


  •  It's never too late to join the PTO! And we are always looking for volunteers. Come join us in helping to make TMS a place for our students and teachers to thrive!! ( https://www.topsailpto.com/ )

  • We're taking reservations to paint the rock again this year!  Please use the signup genius to reserve your date.  Payments can be sent in with students or made to the PTO venmo account.  ( Click Here for the Reservation Form) We will no longer be using paper forms.

  • Do you like Buffalo Wings?  Let's flock to Buffalo Wild Wings in Porters Neck Thursday, November 17 from 4-9 pm for a spirit fundraiser.  TMS PTO will receive 10% of dine-in or take-out orders.  Just mention you are a TMS Pirate. 

  • Still In Need of Spirit Wear?  We’ve got you covered!  Head over to the PTO and either print off the order form and send it in with your student or email it directly to the PTO. Paper forms will also be sent home with your students soon, so check those backpacks and folders.  You may pay by cash, check, or Venmo. The shirts will be given to teachers to be distributed during homeroom the following week. (https://www.topsailpto.com/shop)


Counselors Corner

  • If you’d like your child to speak to a counselor, please fill out this form as a referral.

  • If you or your child would like to report instances of possible bullying or harassment, please fill out this form.

  • At TMS, we offer a confidential program called MUNCH (Meals Until No Child Hungers). If your family could benefit from some additional food being sent home on the weekends, you simply fill out the form at the bottom of this letter or contact one of our school counselors: Jill Markijohn or Melissa Jaworoski. There are no qualifications to be met; just let us know that you’re in need and we’ll supply a bookbag/gym bag of food each week.

  • Parents, mark your calendars for Monday, November 14 at 8 am for our first annual pastries and coffee with the Counselors and Principal.  

*****Be sure to follow us on Facebook by searching Topsail Middle School or on Twitter by searching for our handle which is @tms_pirates