October 23, 2022
Good evening Topsail Middle families, this is Mr. Lawrence with this week's community message. Just a reminder that we will not have school for teacher workdays on Monday and Tuesday of this week. TMS staff will have ALICE training in conjunction with the PCSD on Tuesday, October 25. We have lots of new information to share this week so be sure to check your email or the school website for our TMS community message.
Mold Remediation update- On Thursday, October 20 the Pender County BOE voted unanimously to approve a contract with AdvantaClean to begin the HVAC and duct cleaning at our school. HVAC and duct cleaning of the Main building began over the weekend and will continue during the evenings this week, starting at 3:30pm daily. Once the Main building is completed crews will move to the 700 building, which is slated to begin the week of October 31. Once the 700 building is completed, remediation of HVAC and ducts will begin in the 800 building. All services will take place during the evening hours beginning at 3:30pm. PCS remain committed to providing the safest possible atmosphere for students, teachers, and staff and will continue to follow the recommendations provided by Environmental Hygienest that monitor the air quality of our buildings.
Parents, just a reminder of BOE policy 4318 that applies to cell phones. These devices from the time of 7:30-2:35 indicates that cell phones are not to be turned on, used, displayed, or visible during the instructional day. Thank you for discussing this matter with your student for the safety of all students and staff on campus.
Parents mark your calendars for our picture retake day will be Tuesday, November 15. A fyler can be found here for your convenience.
The 5th grade, Division A, Science Olympiad Parent Information session, will be held Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 4:00pm in room 608 of Topsail Middle School. Attendance by a parent or guardian is required for their student to be considered for event placement. Parents that cannot attend the Face to Face meeting, may attend virtually. To receive the Google Meet link, parents/guardians must email Mrs. Bowles (Amy_Bowles@pender.k12.nc.us) or Mr. Towle (James_Towle@pender.k12.nc.us).
Grades 6-8 Battle of the books interest meetings will continue next week. The next interest meeting is Tuesday, November 1st in the media center during the first 10 minutes of their PA/recess time.
Attention parents, our students will begin mandatory state testing by NCDP on October 18 and 19 with our students participating in the NC Check-ins. Students in grades 5 and 8 will also take the Science NC check-in on October 20.
Greetings from PCS Career and Technical Education! We are excited to announce our middle school career fair, Fall Into Your Future, hosted here at Topsail Middle. The date will be November 18, 2022, from 8 am-11 am at TMS. We have created this flyer for the event, be sure to scan the QR code to complete the Google Form if you are interested in assisting with the Career Fair. If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Middle School Career Development Coordinator, Diane Simmons at diane_simmons@pender.k12.nc.us
October is the month of Awareness. We are encouraging students and staff to wear Orange this week to support bullying prevention awareness.
Congratulations to both our Softball and Football teams who ended their seasons this past week. Our football team was crowned County Champs after their win over Cape Fear! Way to go Pirates!
Information about girls tryouts will be sent through email on Monday. Please contact Coach Wieland or Coach Bafunno with any questions after seeing Monday’s message. Click here to view the season calendar.
The official MS boys soccer roster is on Coach Dugan’s website. First practice is Wednesday, October 26 from 2:45-4:15. Matches are held Mondays and Thursdays (unless there is a change) with practices on Tuesday and Wednesday from 2:45-4:15. No practice on Fridays. Team managers will be selected by coaches. If you are interested in being a team manager, email Coach Dugan by Tuesday, October 25. Coach Dugan’s Email: michael_dugan@pender.k12.nc.us Click here to view the season calendar.
THS Women’s Lacrosse Program is selling Topsail Blankets to support their upcoming season. These will make great holiday gifts and help with cooler temperatures in our upcoming seasons! See this flier for more information, or this order form! First deadline to order is Sunday 10/23!
Join the Topsail High School Women’s Soccer Team as they will take over the Topsail Touch Tank Aquarium and EMA building to put on a fun Halloween festival for kids! The entire event will be planned and run by the team, all proceeds will go the women's soccer team for their upcoming season. Donations can also be made and are greatly appreciated! Activities will include aquarium entrance, arts and crafts, games and more!, $8 adult, $5 kids 3+, Free for kids under 2 years old. See flier for more information!
Team Newsletters:
ENCORE Newsletter
Counselors Corner
Parents, mark your calendars for Monday, November 14. We will be hosting our first Pastries and Coffee with the Principal and Counselors. This will take place in our media center.
If you’d like your child to speak to a counselor, please fill out this form as a referral.
If you or your child would like to report instances of possible bullying or harassment, please fill out this form.
At TMS, we offer a confidential program called MUNCH (Meals Until No Child Hungers). If your family could benefit from some additional food being sent home on the weekends, you simply fill out the form at the bottom of this letter or contact one of our school counselors: Jill Markijohn or Melissa Jaworoski. There are no qualifications to be met; just let us know that you’re in need and we’ll supply a bookbag/gym bag of food each week.