Weekly Community Message from Mr. Lawrence

October 16, 2022 

Good evening Topsail Middle families, this is Mr. Lawrence with this week's community message.  Just a reminder that the end of the 1st Quarter will be this Friday, October 21.  We have lots of new information to share this week so be sure to check your email or the school website for our TMS community message.

  • Lots of discussion regarding Mold Remediation at Topsail Middle.  I am the least qualified individual to make recommendations regarding Mold Remediation; however, as mentioned during our BOE meeting by the Environmental Hygienist that is conducting the IAQ, students and staff are safe to attend school on campus daily.  Again, the EI group is not recommending that our school buildings be closed at this time.  You may be aware that the latest Air Quality Report was released on October 7, 2022, and is available on our website. Specialists from the EI Group, which performed the testing, determined rooms 701-709 should be sealed off from the rest of the building and placed under negative pressure while making the recommended repairs.  The air scrubbers are being used to help clean the air until the industrial duct cleaning companies can be acquired to clean all ducts in our buildings.  We are hopeful that a timeline with decisions regarding this will be finalized soon, and we will communicate with our school community at that time.  Thank you again for your continued patience and support for our school community.

  • Our students will be participating in NC check-in state testing this week, with Math taking place on Tuesday and ELA on Wednesday.  Students in grades 5 and 8 will also participate in Science testing on Thursday.  Please assist us by making sure your student comes to school on testing days with a charger Chromebook and is ready for testing.

  • The 5th grade, Division A, Science Olympiad Parent Information session, will be held Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 4:00pm in room 608 of Topsail Middle School.  Attendance by a parent or guardian is required for their student to be considered for event placement. Parents that cannot attend the Face to Face meeting, may attend virtually.  To receive the Google Meet link, parents/guardians must email Mrs. Bowles (Amy_Bowles@pender.k12.nc.us) or Mr. Towle (James_Towle@pender.k12.nc.us). 

  • Battle of the Book Interest meetings have begun.  Grade 5 will meet this week with Mrs. West in our TMS library,  if they are interested during school.  Please be sure your student has communicated with their teacher that they are interested so they can be part of the first interest meeting.

  • Grades 6-8 Battle of the books interest meetings began last week.  The next interest meeting is Tuesday, November 1st in the media center during the first 10 minutes of their PA/recess time.

  • Attention parents, our students will begin mandatory state testing by NCDP on October 18 and 19 with our students participating in the NC Check-ins.  Students in grades 5 and 8 will also take the Science NC check-in on October 20.  

  • Greetings from PCS Career and Technical Education!  We are excited to announce our middle school career fair, Fall Into Your Future, hosted here at Topsail Middle.  The date will be November 18, 2022, from 8 am-11 am at TMS. We have created this flyer for the event, be sure to scan the QR code to complete the Google Form if you are interested in assisting with the Career Fair.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Middle School Career Development Coordinator, Diane Simmons at diane_simmons@pender.k12.nc.us 

  • Our custodial services department is looking for anyone interested in joining their team in the Hampstead/Surf City area.  Please check out this Fyler for details.  Anyone interested can scan the QR code to apply.

  • October is the month of Awareness.  We are encouraging students and staff to wear Orange this week to support bullying prevention awareness.

  • Students in PCS will be participating in a Social and Emotional survey this year called PASS.  Parents have the right to opt their children out of the survey.  A letter outlining this information will be going home to families on Tuesday.


  • The football team will play their final game of the season away at Cape fear middle on Tuesday, October 18.  Kick-off is set to begin at 4:30pm.  Good luck Pirates, let’s finish this amazing season strong!

  • Our Softball team finished the season as the 3 seed and will play Cape Fear again Monday at 6 pm in the semi-finals. The game will be held at Trask High. Go Pirates!

  • In an effort to streamline our processes similar to how our local high school operates athletic events, we will use a program this year called GoFan.  You can purchase an online ticket or we will also provide tickets for cash buyers.  Visit GoFan.com or use this link and find Topsail Middle School.  Tickets can be purchased via Apple Pay or Google Pay.  Just show it at the gate for entry into the game.  Please be aware of the GoFan fee of $1 bringing the total cost to $6 for an online ticket or $5 cash at the gate.

  • Our TMS Tennis Club will have practices this week on Tuesday and Thursday after school until 3:45.

  • Boys and Girls Soccer Tryouts will be this week on October 20 and 21, 2:45-4:45 pm. Go to the TMS Athletics website page for paperwork details. More Information Please come dressed for the weather with water, running shoes, shin guards, and cleats!

  • The Topsail High School Women’s Soccer program is excited to host our first skills camp this week! Please check out this flier for more information and contact Ms. Bafunno with any questions (danielle_bafunno@pender.k12.nc.us

  • THS Women’s Lacrosse Program is selling Topsail Blankets to support their upcoming season. These will make great holiday gifts and help with cooler temperatures in our upcoming seasons! See this flier for more information, or this order form!

Team Newsletters:

Counselors Corner

  • If you’d like your child to speak to a counselor, please fill out this form as a referral.

  • If you or your child would like to report instances of possible bullying or harassment, please fill out this form.

  • At TMS, we offer a confidential program called MUNCH (Meals Until No Child Hungers). If your family could benefit from some additional food being sent home on the weekends, you simply fill out the form at the bottom of this letter or contact one of our school counselors: Jill Markijohn or Melissa Jaworoski. There are no qualifications to be met; just let us know that you’re in need and we’ll supply a bookbag/gym bag of food each week.


  • We will have our monthly PTO meeting this month on Wednesday, October 19 starting at 7:00 for the PAC team and 7:20 for PTO.  The meeting will be hybrid, meaning you can attend either in person in our media center or virtually using this link.

  • We're taking reservations to paint the rock again this year!  Please use the signup genius to reserve your date.  Payments can be sent in with students or made to the PTO venmo account.  ( https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/4090948aea92fa5fe3-tmsrock )  We will no longer be using the paper forms.



  • PTO is still looking for volunteers for the following committees:

    • Bus Driver Appreciation Week

    • Teacher Appreciation Week

    • Spirit Wear

    • Hospitality

    • School Dances


  • Hold on to those bedazzled and neon glowing outfits…in order to accommodate more of our families and ensure that this will truly be an event to remember, the Glitter and Glow dance is being rescheduled. Check back soon for updated information!

*****Be sure to follow us on Facebook by searching Topsail Middle School or on Twitter by searching for our handle which is @tms_pirates