Weekly Community Message from Mr. Lawrence

September 18, 2022

Good evening Topsail Middle families, this is Mr. Lawrence with this week's community message.  I hope everyone has enjoyed the amazing weather we had over the weekend.  With Cold and Flu season upon us, please keep your students home from school if they have not been fever free for the past 24 hours, or have nausea and vomiting.  Thank you in advance for keeping our students and staff well this school year.  Please be sure to join us this week during our PTO virtual meeting when Superintendent Dr. Hill will make a guest appearance at the beginning of our meeting.  Be sure to check your email or the school website for our TMS community message.

  • Fall picture day at TMS is tomorrow Monday, September 19.  You can order before picture day by using this LINK.

  • Parents, mark your calendar for Tuesday, September 27 from 5:00-6:30.  TMS will be hosting a Curriculum Night with food trucks on site.  

  • Parent Portal access is now available.  Parent Portal is a great way to check your childś grades in PowerSchool.  If you do not have access you can email us at tms@pender.k12.nc.us to request your parent portal information.  Progress reports are also set to go out by the beginning of next week.

  • Attention ALL new students to NC Public Schools and Parents of ALL 7th-grade students.  Please know that the NC State Deadline of September 27, 2022, is fastly approaching and each student in these, either new to NC or in 7th grade, must turn in proof of the completed NCHA Form and a complete immunization record.  These immunizations for 7th-grade students include the TDap and Meningitis Vaccines, which are state law in NC.  These forms must be turned in by September 27 or students will be required to miss school until they are completed.  For new parents in NC, the local Hampstead Annex will be open to give immunizations Monday through Friday from 8 am-11 am and 1 pm-4 pm.  Their number is 910-270-5001, but walk-ins are welcome.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.

  • Here Comes the Bus will allow you to view your child's bus in real time using either a smartphone or computer. I have also included a Spanish version.  Check out the link for more information about Here Comes the Bus.

  • Our website has changed, if you search for Topsail Middle using google you will be directed to our old website.  Please use this link to be directed to our new school website.  We are suggesting that our families download our PCS app.  It can be located at the bottom of the homepage of our new district website.  This app will allow you to receive news messages and updates, while also paying cafeteria balances for your student(s).

  • Parent/Guardian Student Referral Form to see a School Counselor

  • Breakfast and Lunch will NOT be free for students this school year.  Lunch prices will be $2.45 and Breakfast will be $1.45.  All families who would like to purchase lunch and breakfast or apply for a free and reduced lunch application use this link.  Families can also check out the lunch menus and make payments by using the Aramark link.

  • Attention Parents! Our PBIS (Positive Behavior & Intervention Supports) Team is in need of donations! We’ll be holding monthly lunches for our student citizens of the month as well as raffling off prizes to encourage positive behavior. If you or your business are interested in making a donation please contact Ms. Bafunno by email (danielle_bafunno@pender.k12.nc.us

  • Attention families, looking for a local event to attend here in Hampstead next weekend?  THS students will be hosting the 24-hour play fest at THS on Saturday, September 24 at 6:00 pm.


  • With the athletic season beginning, just a reminder that we do not currently have an after-school program in place for students to stay for games.  Any student who would like to attend an athletic game would need to be returned to campus before the game begins.  We start taking tickets for all home games at 3:30 pm.

  • Our Football team will have a home game this Wednesday vs the Pender schools.  Kick-off will be at 4:00 pm, tickets to the game are $5.  

  • Our Softball team will have a couple of games this week.  On Monday they will travel down 17 for a 17 showdown with the Surf City Sharks.  On Thursday we will have our first home game with the Burgaw Red Devils coming to town.  The first pitch is set to be tossed at 4:00 pm. 

  • In an effort to streamline our processes similar to how our local high school operates athletic events, we will use a program this year called GoFan.  You can purchase an online ticket or we will also provide tickets for cash buyers as well.  Visit GoFan.com or use this link and find Topsail Middle School.  Tickets can be purchased via Apple Pay or Google Pay.  Just show it at the gate for entry into the game.  Please be aware of the GoFan fee of $1 bringing the total cost to $6 for an online ticket or $5 cash at the gate.

  • Our TMS Run Club will start on September 19th!  We will meet on Monday and Thursday after school.  All athletes must have a current physical on file to participate before our first practice. Our first 5k race will be the Ocean Fest 5K on October 8th. More information can be found here

  • Calling all girls interested in being on the Tennis Club.  We will start practices on Tuesday, September 20.  Please contact Mrs. James for more information at shelby_james@pender.k12.nc.us 

Team Newsletters:


  •  We're taking reservations to paint the rock again this year!  Please use the signup genius to reserve your date.  Payments can be sent in with students or made to the PTO Venmo account. https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/4090948aea92fa5fe3-tmsrock )  We will no longer be using paper forms.

  • The next spirit night will be October 26th at Papa Murphy's

  • It's not too late to join the PTO!  ( https://www.topsailpto.com/ )

  • PTO is still looking for volunteers for the following committees:

    •  Bus Driver Appreciation Week

    •  Teacher Appreciation Week

    •  Spirit Wear

    • Hospitality

    • School Dances

  • We are especially looking for volunteers for our Concessions Committee.  If you are interested in helping with TMS Football Concessions please sign up here!

  • https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0c4ba5a62da6f94-tmsfootball1

  • Spirit Wear - We will be taking orders for spirit wear at the upcoming Curriculum Night.

  • We will host our 1st PTO meeting virtually this week at 7 pm on Wednesday, September 21.  Dr. Hill, Superintendent, will make a guest appearance during our meeting.  Please use this link to join us.

*****Be sure to follow us on Facebook by searching Topsail Middle School or on Twitter by searching for our handle which is @tms_pirates