Weekly Community Message from Mr. Lawrence

March 13, 2022

Good evening Topsail Middle families, this is Mr. Lawrence with this week's community message.  I hope everyone had a restful Spring Break week and remembered to spring forward their clocks today.  It is hard to believe that this will be the final week of the third quarter.  We have a number of new announcements this week so please be sure to check your email or our school website for this week's community message.  

  • Parents, with Spring approaching now, is a good time to remind our students of the current Student Dress Code policy.  Hats or Head coverings and excessively short garments are prohibited in school buildings.  TMS will be looking at forming a dress code committee that includes both students and staff.  I have linked BOE Policy 4316 for your convenience. 

  • Calling all families, as part of the Sandy Hook promise, the week of March 14-18 is SAY SOMETHING week!  We would like to empower our students to say something Kind to others this week and to be an Upstander and not a Bystander.  Please see this Slide and parent letter for more information.

  • Attention 8th-grade families, it is hard to believe that it is already that time to begin High School planning processes. To help with this process, TONIGHT is curriculum night at THS! More information can be found here. Counselors will work with students this week to register for high school courses. Please see this link for more information and details surrounding High School planning.

  • Attention 5th-grade families: Girls on the Run and STRIDE begin tomorrow for registered students only. Boys (STRIDE) will report to Mrs. Major's room (room 105)  and girls (GOTR) to Mrs. Krieger's hut (Hut 2) after school on Mondays and Thursdays starting tomorrow! Runners should bring a water bottle and a healthy snack to each practice. Please remember to pick up your child promptly at 4:00 on the front playground.  If you're unsure of your child being registered or if you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Major or Mrs. Krieger. Thank you & we look forward to a great season!

  • Yearbooks for the 21-22 school year are on sale now.  You can purchase it by going to this website using the ID Code: 14491022.  The deadline for ordering yearbooks this year is Monday, March 21.  The cost is $26 per copy.  Students will not be able to purchase Yearbooks after the March 21 date.

  • UPDATED CHANGE-Attention 8th-grade parents ONLY.  You will have the opportunity this year to make dedications in the Yearbook.  The cost is $25/dedication.  There are 4 different options to choose from.  You can create your own and submit with pic(s) and text.  This will be due on March 15.  Visit this website http://www.ybpay.com/  and use the enter code 14491022.

  • Attention 8th-grade parents: Students have been offered an additional opportunity to purchase tickets for the end of the year formal dance at the early bird rate of $10 per person. Students must bring an exchange and a signed permission slip to the cafeteria during lunch on Tuesday, March 15th. Details and a copy of the permission slip are available in the 8th-grade homeroom google classroom. Students that have purchased their tickets at the $10 early bird rate will be entered in a raffle for an Amazon gift card! Don't miss out! Encourage your student to pick up their ticket on Tuesday! The next opportunity to purchase tickets is not until April 7th and at that point, they are $15.

  • Parents, in accordance with board policy, all students on crutches, scooters, etc should have a medical appliance form signed by the HCP and Parent before returning to campus with these devices.  We have linked the form to this message for your convenience.

  • Attention 5th-grade parents: We will be sharing the Always Changing Program with our 5th-grade students on Thursday, April 14.  This is a traditional opportunity that we have provided our 5th-grade students in PCS to learn further about human development. Please see this letter for more information.  Also, just a reminder that we will need the permission slips turned in to your child’s homeroom teacher by Friday, April 8.



  • Baseball tryouts will begin on Monday, March 14.

  • Volleyball tryouts will begin on Tuesday, March 15.

  • Attention Girls interested in playing Volleyball and boys interested in playing Baseball.  Tryouts will take place the week of March 14.  Please be sure to complete all the necessary paperwork, including a physical, prior to tryouts.  Any questions please contact Tim Chase, Athletic Director.

  • Students now have the opportunity to take part in our TMS Run Club!  It will begin on Monday, March 14th, and will meet Mondays and Thursdays after school until 3:30.  All students will need a current physical in order to participate. Please contact Mrs. Baer for more details.  

  • Chess Club has moved to Monday's after-school in room 613 with Mrs. James.

  • Operation Military Kids Club (OMKC) will have its next club on March 18th from 2:45-4:00.  Please ensure your student is picked up promptly and not later than 4 pm in the front circle.  If you have any questions please contact  Mrs. Roman.