February 6, 2022
Good evening Topsail Middle families, this is Mr. Lawrence with this week's community message. Students and Parents, this week is National School Counselors Week. Please be sure to take a moment to thank our Counselors, Mrs. Boyles and Mrs. Markijohn, for all they do for students and staff at TMS. Thank you to all of our students and teachers who assisted with the middle school Science Olympiad over the weekend. It was great to see the students able to compete in these academic challenges once again. If you know of anyone not receiving our community message you are also able to access it by visiting our TMS website and looking within the community section. Please be sure to check your email or our school website for this week's community message.
Our Student Government is helping spread cheer amongst families and friends this Valentine's Day. They are selling personalized candy grams that can be delivered to students on Monday, February 14th in homeroom. Students may purchase them for their friends every Friday at lunch. Parents will have the opportunity to purchase them on Thursdays in the carpool line or by emailing Mrs. Baer at lindsay_baer@pender.k12.nc.us. The cost is $1 each or buy 5 and get one free!
Parents Wednesday February 9 is spirit night at Buffalo Wild Wings in Porters Neck.
Looking ahead at our school calendar. We will not have school on February 16 for a teacher workday and our Spring Break is just around the corner, with it taking place the week of March 7-11.
Parents, just a reminder that students are not allowed to carry over the counter medication on them per board policy 6125. If your student needs to take over the counter medications like Ibuprofen, please contact our school nurses, Elizabeth Cockrell and Katie Neave, for the required process and procedures.
Yearbooks for the 21-22 school year are on sale now. You can purchase it by going to this website using the ID Code: 14491022. The deadline for ordering yearbooks this year is Monday, March 21. The cost is $26 per copy.
Attention 5th Grade Families - Great News! We're offering Girls on the Run and STRIDE this spring! GOTR and STRIDE are running programs offered to 3rd-5th graders on a first-come, first-served basis for 20 participants and will take place at Topsail Elementary School and we have a few spots left on both teams. We will kick it off the week of March 14th after spring break, with practices every Monday and Thursday from 2:30 to 4:00. The end of season race will be in the Wilmington area on Saturday, May 21st. Before considering, please make sure you're able to commit to a prompt 4:00 pick-up time from each practice along with the dates of practice and the final race. Here is the link to get directly to the TES GOTR registration and STRIDE registration. Thank you!
We are still hosting the MUNCH backpack program weekly at TMS. This program provides extra meals and snacks for students and families in need. Students pick up a filled backpack at the end of every week. If your family is interested in signing up for the MUNCH program, please contact Joanna Boyles, School Counselor, by calling the office number at 910-270-2612 or emailing at joanna_boyles@pender.k12.nc.us
We will be providing COVID testing at TMS. A parent or guardian must register any minor under the age of 18 years old. More information about this program can be found using this link. If you would like to register you can do that by scrolling to the bottom of the website and clicking on the link for TMS Student.
Please remember, if anyone in your household has a covid symptom and/or awaiting covid test results, the sick student or student awaiting results should contact the school nurse at school before students return to school. Please contact the school nurse with any questions. PCS schools nurses will follow the NC Strong Schools Toolkit in terms of exclusion from school. Decisions of isolation and quarantine dates will continue to be made by the health department.
Parents, in accordance with board policy, all students on crutches, scooters, etc should have a medical appliance form signed by the HCP and Parent before returning to campus with these devices. We have linked the form to this message for your convenience.
Attention parents of 8th graders: Planning for the 8th grade formal has begun. The event will take place in the TMS gymnasium on Saturday, April 30th from 6:30-9 pm. More details will be coming soon. If you are interested in assisting with planning, decorating, fundraising, donating, or event clean-up, please email jessica_roman@pender.k12.nc.us It will be here before we know it!
Keziah/Towle- 5th Grade Newsletter ; Bowles/Fabbie-Check Remind
Our Boys and Girls Basketball teams will be hosting Cape Fear Middle School on Monday. The girl's game will begin at 4 and the boy's game will follow. Tickets are $5.
The Boys and Girls basketball teams will travel to West Pender on Tuesday and they will host West Pender on Thursday. Girls games will begin 4 with the boys games to follow. Tickets are $5 at the gate.
Our basketball season schedule can be found on our website using this link for your convenience.