Weekly Community Message from Mr. Lawrence

February 19, 2023

Good evening Topsail Middle families, this is Mr. Lawrence with this week's community message.  I would like to give a special thank you to one of our parents, Lauren Schubert, for all the special gifts she assisted our bus drivers with last week during bus driver appreciation week.  We are very proud of our math counts team for their efforts this season and for being the only school in PC to compete in regionals.  Our team did really well at the regional competition over the weekend, with one of our 6th grade students qualifying for the state competition.  We have new information to share this week, so check your email or the school website for our TMS community message. 

  • Attention 8th grade parents, the 8th grade Formal is coming up and we need your help to make it a success.  If any families or businesses would like to donate money or services please see the attached letter and let us know if you have any questions.  All monetary donations must be handled by our PTO at pto4tms@gmail.com 

  • For  information about the CAP Program (for rising 9th graders only) click here.  We are so excited about this great opportunity for our students.  The CAP application process is now live. The following link will take students to the workflow: https://bit.ly/cap-application. Application deadline is March 15th.  Students will be notified on acceptance or waitlisted status by April 10th. 

  • Parents of students in 7th & 8th grade: On Tuesday, February 28th, students in grades 7 - 12 will have the opportunity to participate in Pender County Schools' Job Shadowing Day!  Job Shadow Day allows students to gain first-hand information about the workplace and explore the possibilities for their future careers. It’s an opportunity for Pender County Schools students to make connections between school and the real-world. It's recommended that students and their families’ network with friends, family and neighbors in an effort to find a placement in a career of their interest. Students can pick up an application from our school counselors or you can access one here.

  • Parents, hard to believe that the end of the 3rd Quarter is just a few weeks away.  We will be celebrating our PBIS rewards on March 17th with extra PA time and a cool Ice Pop treat.  We neeed your assistance in helping with this event by signing up here.

  • Yearbook Dedications are now available! This is offered only to our 8th graders.  It is similar to Senior Ads at the high school. The cost is $25 per dedication for a quarter page.  There are 4 options to choose from. You (or your parents) will create your own design with pictures and text using the link. Due by March 1st. This deadline is firm.  Absolutely no ads will be accepted after this date.  enter code: 14491023

  • Yearbook orders are now live! Order yours at ybpay.com and the code for our school is 14491023.

  • Mrs. Markijohn is looking to start a book club with parents this school year.  The book will be KIDS THESE DAYS by Dr. Jody Carrington.  If you are interested in being in the book club please complete this google form.

Athletics & Clubs

  • Our boys and girls basketball teams will have a couple of games this week.  On Monday, our boys team ONLY, will host the Burgaw Red Devils with a tip off beginning at 4:15pm.  We will also recognize our 8th grade basketball players and cheerleaders since it will be the final home game of the season.  On Thursday, both our boys and girls teams will travel to Cape Fear to take on the Grizzlies, girls will play first starting at 4:15.  The Cost to attend games is $5 at the gate.

  • OMKC is also preparing for the Month of the Military Child in April and we need your help. If you have not yet registered your child for the club (which meets after school on the 3rd Friday of each month), please go to:  http://operationmilitarykidsclubs.com.  Every military kid registered with OMKC by March 1st will be getting a star to represent them at their school during the month of April as we recognize all the military kids who make our schools shine.  Then, in place of club at the school in April, we will be hosting the Freedom Family Fest at Kiwanis Park on April 30th from 1-4pm, for all our military kids and their families!  Mark your calendars and plan to join us for the fun!  

  • The Builders Club meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.  Anyone who would still like to join Builders Club is welcome and should see Mrs. Williams in Room 603 or Mrs. Hardison in Room 604 for a form. 

Team Newsletters


  • It's time to shine!!  Grab your neon and anything glittery and get ready to have some fun.  March 24 is our long awaited Glitter and Glow Dance!!  Of course to pull off such an event we need a little assistance.  Parents please take a look at the signups and see if there is a place that you can volunteer your time to help us provide this opportunity to our students.  There are spots for selling tickets, decorators, chaperones, clean-up crew, and parking lot monitors. Please note that there are specific sign up spots for parents wanting to help with chaperoning for 5th grade or 6th - 8th graders. Please do not sign up for both.  

  • Concessions for basketball can't happen without YOU!!  We need volunteers to help staff the concession stand at the basketball games.  We need at least two adults per time slot to be able to continue delivering those hunger filling snacks to our Pirate Basketball fans.  Sign up at   https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090449aba92aa4f94-basketball?useFullSite=true#/ or email us at pto4tms@gmail.com

  • Are you interested in being more involved at TMS??? The 2023-2024 school year is quickly approaching and the TMS PTO is currently recruiting for our '23-'24 school year PTO board.  We have several openings.  Please send us an email (pto4tms@gmail.com) if you are interested in learning more.

  • It's never too late to join the PTO! And we are always looking for volunteers. Come join us in helping to make TMS a place for our students and teachers to thrive!!( https://www.topsailpto.com/ )

  • Does your student have a birthday coming up or do you want to celebrate a special victory for your team or club?  We're still taking reservations to paint the rock!  Please use the signup genius to reserve your date.  Payments can be sent in with students or made to the PTO venmo account.  ( https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/4090948aea92fa5fe3-tmsrock )  

  • Still In Need of Spirit Wear?  We’ve got you covered!  Head over to the PTO and either print off the order form and send it in with your student or email it directly to the PTO. You may pay by cash, check, or Venmo. The shirts will be given to teachers to be distributed during homeroom the following week. (https://www.topsailpto.com/shop)

*****Be sure to follow us on Facebook by searching Topsail Middle School or on Twitter by searching for our handle which is @tms_pirates