Good Evening Topsail Annandale Elementary Families! This is Mrs. Wilson with your weekly update. We had a great day with our new Superintendent, Dr. Breedlove, last Thursday. Check out the video on the Pender County Schools and TAES Facebook pages! Get your yearbook before the March 1 price increase! Go to and use our school code YB25833 to order. All orders must be placed online. Yearbooks are $18 through March 1 and $20 thereafter. From Ms. Payne (Music Teacher): Mark your calendars - The TAES Spring Concert featuring Kindergarten and 1st grade will be on Thursday, April 20 at 6:00 in the gym. Everyone is welcome!! Mrs. Payne is collecting some items to be used for the Spring Concert! She needs: empty paper towel rolls, aluminum foil, pipe cleaners, rice, dried beans. From Ms. Carlisle (Art Teacher): Greetings Topsail Annandale families! We have another opportunity for our 3rd and 4th grade students to join the drawing club for Session 2. If your student has not had the opportunity to participate and would like to, please follow the Sign-Up Genius link below - starting next Sunday evening - March 5. Due to the limited number and the amount of students interested, the slots will be first come, first serve, with a limit of 20 students. What: Drawing Club (3rd and 4th only) When: Thursdays, March 9-April 27th. 2:20-3:15 Where: Students will meet in the Art room Link: Will be LIVE next week in the TAES weekly messages! Questions: Military Families: OMKC is preparing for the Month of the Military Child in April and we need your help. If you have not yet registered your child for the club (which meets after school on the 3rd Friday of each month), please go to: http://operationmilitaryk Important Dates: Thurs. 3/2 & Fri. 3/3- Read Across America Days! Fri. 3/3- End of the third quarter! Mon. 3/6- Fri. 3/10- Spring Break! No School! Mon. 3/13 & Tues. 3/14- Teacher Workdays. No School for Students. Wed. 3/15- Students Return to School! 4th Quarter Begins! Wed. 3/15 and Thurs. 3/16- 2nd Grade Field Trip to Poplar Grove Plantation! Half the grade level will go on each date. Thurs. 3/16- 4th Grade Field Trip to Moore's Creek National Battle Field! Thurs. 3/16- Stride and Girls on the Run Running Clubs Begin. Fri. 3/17- Operation Military Kids Club- 2:30-4:15. Please find this year's school calendar here: 22-23_PCS_Traditional_Sc Social Media: Parents, we invite you to follow us on social media: Find us on facebook: Topsail Annandale Elementary School Find us on Instagram: topsailannandale PTA Updates: We look forward to a great week at TAES! Have a great evening! | |

TAES Weekly News 2/27/23
February 26, 2023