students and coach with trophy

After placing in many of the events, South Topsail Elementary came in first place overall at the 2022 Science Olympiad Competition held on April 2 at Heidi Trask High School. The team, led by 5th grade science teacher Lora Guthrie,  was comprised of 18 students from 4th and 5th grades, and coaches that included teachers, interns, and high school student volunteers. This was the first Science Olympiad held in person since 2019. 

Students participated after school two to three times each week working on their events which included building pasta bridges, designing structures from duct tape, and engineering roller coasters. Students also studied various science concepts including weather, landforms, ecology, and fossils, which they were tested on in a virtual event held at the school on March 29.  

Congratulations, Stingrays!