On February 24, 2022 five students from South Topsail Elementary headed to Surf City to participate in the local Battle of the Books competition with other schools from across the district. Coached by Mrs. Eames and Mrs. Dickerson, the students began practicing for the competition in October 2021, reading through fifteen books, recalling specific details from each, and studying the authors’ names. South Topsail has not had a team since the 2018-2019 school year. The South Topsail Team scored over 100 points, but was unable to place in the competition.
The purpose of the Elementary Battle of the Books (E-BOB) program is to encourage students to read. This is accomplished through exposure to quality literature by prominent authors representing a variety of literary styles. The E-BOB program was designed and is supervised by the North Carolina School Library Media Association. The game-style competition format creates excitement and interest in reading, improving students’ reading skills and exposing them to literature that they might not choose on their own. The program is open to all 4th and 5th grade students.
Students who may be interested in participating in the program for the 2022-2023 school year can download the list of books from https://ncslma.wildapricot.org/EBOB/ (or see Mrs. Eames in the library) and start reading. More information will be provided to students and families regarding practice times and criteria in the fall. Happy reading!