Week of April 19, 2022
Good afternoon Surf City Families,
This is Principal Bridgers with your weekly announcements.
Welcome back from the long holiday weekend. The end of the year will be here before we know it. There are only 24 days left in school! Please try to have your children here everyday, on time, and stay until dismissal.
Spring has sprung and growth spurts are in full bloom! Please remember to reference the current PCS dress code from the PCS homepage, Students & Families tab, Code of Conduct drop down tab(dress code begins on page 16). Here is a link for you. LINK TO CODE OF CONDUCT BOOK
Online, after school, free, Google Meet tutoring sessions have started. Your child can find the links in their Homeroom Google Classrooms.
Volunteer Proctors for End of Year testing are needed. Please see Mr. Horne’s letter about an opportunity to help SCM. LINK TO LETTER
Yearbooks: www.strawbridge.net The school code is YB113129. Yearbooks are on sale through April 30th.
8th grade parents-information is coming soon for end of year activities (8th grade dance & moving up ceremony). I will send separate emails just to 8th grade families soon.
Sports Report
Tuesday-away games at PLE
Thursday-home games vs. WPM
PTA Updates & Reminders
Brick Paver Fundraiser: https://polarengraving.com/surfcitymiddleschool
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/239218666917998
Spirit Wear: https://apparelnow.com/surf-city-middle-spirit-wear-apparel
Become a Member: https://surfcitymiddle.memberhub.com/store/items/37396
It’s a great week to be a Shark!