Week of March 28, 2022
Good afternoon Surf City Families,
This is Principal Bridgers with your weekly announcements.
Online, after school, free, Google Meet tutoring sessions have started. Your child can find the links in their Homeroom Google Classrooms.
Transportation Reminder: In the parking lot for morning drop offs, please wait until you are in line before allowing students to get out of the vehicle. Students are getting out around the corner and this is a safety issue. Students should exit the vehicle and go to the sidewalk to use the cross walks. Also, please pull all the way up to the orange cones.
NC Check-ins: NC Check-ins begin this week. Please read the attached letter from Mr. Horne. SCMS Check-Ins Letter 2021-2022.pdf
Yearbooks: www.strawbridge.net The school code is YB113129.
Sports Report
SCM sports will resume on April 4th with an away volleyball game against West Pender.
PTA Updates & Reminders
Brick Paver Fundraiser: https://polarengraving.com/surfcitymiddleschool
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/239218666917998
Spirit Wear: https://apparelnow.com/surf-city-middle-spirit-wear-apparel
Become a Member: https://surfcitymiddle.memberhub.com/store/items/37396
It’s a great week to be a Shark!