Today, all PCS teachers are gathered at HTHS for our annual professional development conference - Rocky Point teachers are getting ready for a day of learning!
over 1 year ago, Rocky Point Elementary School
RPES teachers
Rocky Point Elementary School Families, This message is for families of 1st through 5th graders, excluding new enrollments. As Pender County Schools has stated, all students will require a Chromebook Agreement in order to receive a Chromebook from school. The Chromebook Agreement is embedded in the Beginning of Year Application on Scribbles. Families completing this B.O.Y. application is extremely important for our records. It allows us to receive valuable updated information, for example, transportation, guardian phone number/address changes and emergency contact information. Our hopes are to have this completed before Open House so you can focus on the meet and greet with your child and teacher. Please take the time to submit the application online as soon as possible. The link is listed below. (English and Spanish) **If you have a change of address, please note that a new Proof of Residence must be on file in order to have bus changes completed or for the student information system to be updated. We would also like to remind you that all students will receive free breakfast and lunch for the school year 2023-2024. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. Familias de Rocky Point Elementary, Este mensaje es para familias de estudiantes de 1er a 5to grado, excluyendo registraciones nuevas. Como han mencionado las Escuelas del Condado de Pender, todo estudiante requiere un Acuerdo de Chromebook para que reciban un chromebook de la escuela. El Acuerdo de Chromebook está incorporado en la Aplicación de Inicio del Año en Scribbles. El completar esta Aplicación de Inicio del Año es extremadamente importante para nuestros registros. Nos permite recibir información actualizada, por ejemplo, transportacion, numero de telefono de padres/cambio de direccion e informacion de contactos de emergencia. Esperamos tener estas aplicaciones completadas antes del Open House para que ustedes se puedan enfocar en conocer y platicar con la maestra de su hijo(a). Por favor tómese el tiempo para someter la aplicación en línea lo antes posible. El enlace se encuentra a continuación. (Ingles y español) **Si usted tiene un cambio de dirección, por favor tome en cuenta que necesitamos una Prueba de Residencia nueva para hacer los cambios de autobús o para actualizar la información del estudiante en nuestro sistema. También quisiera recordarles que todos los estudiantes recibirán desayuno y almuerzo gratis para el año escolar 2023-2024. Por favor siéntase libre de comunicarse con cualquier pregunta. ¡Nos vemos pronto!
over 1 year ago, Rocky Point Elementary School
open house
Happy Birthday to Ms. Faye! She's been working so hard during the summer to get the school ready, and we don't know what we would do without her! Thanks to Ms Perez for baking a cake to celebrate this amazing staff member!
over 1 year ago, Rocky Point Elementary School
Our Kindergarteners and 3rd graders have had so much fun at Summer Bridge this week! Check out this fun activity they did in STEAM with Ms. Roman, where they created a rainbow!
over 1 year ago, Rocky Point Elementary School
¡Aqui estan las listas de útiles para el próximo año escolar 2023-24!
over 1 year ago, Rocky Point Elementary School
k bilingual
1st spanish
2nd spanish
3rd spanish
4th spanish
5th Spanish
Here are the grade-level supply lists for the upcoming 2023-24 school year!
over 1 year ago, Rocky Point Elementary School
kinder english
1st english
2nd english
3rd english
4th english
5th English
Now that August is here, this is just a reminder that Open House events are right around the corner. Mark your calendar 📆 #ExperienceTheExcellence
over 1 year ago, Bob Fankboner
open house
For the 2023-24 school year, PCS will be implementing a program called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) which provides breakfast and lunch, at no cost, for students at eligible schools. Eligible schools can be found here -
over 1 year ago, Bob Fankboner
Michael & Sons created a video highlighting all of their Jingle Contest Winners - check out the Rocky Point section where we were awarded $5,000!
over 1 year ago, Rocky Point Elementary School
thank you
We hope everyone has had a great start to their summer! In case you missed it, here are the awards ceremony videos from the end of the year! K-4th grade - 5th Grade - Enjoy!
over 1 year ago, Rocky Point Elementary School
Burgaw Middle is proud to host the Pender Long Term Recovery Group 2023 Disaster Preparedness Expo. Hurricane season officially begins June 1st and this event will provide answers to many questions you may have when it comes to your family’s safety! #PCSPride #PCSCommunity
over 1 year ago, Bob Fankboner
preparedness expo
Are you looking for some summer music opportunities? Here's one for you! Mrs. Black will be teaching a 2-day camp at UNCW June 17th-18th. The camp is open to rising 2nd-5th graders, and costs only $55 for RPE students since we are a Title I school! Please reach out with any questions! Here's the link to register:
over 1 year ago, Rocky Point Elementary School
orff flyer
Hungry For Music donated 6 instruments to the @rpe_rams orchestra program. The nonprofit has donated a total of 14 instruments to RPE - 13 violins, and 1 cello. The RPE orchestra was started by Laura Black in '22 and consists of approximately 40 1st-5th gr students 🎶
over 1 year ago, Bob Fankboner
rpe orchestra
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Rocky Point Elementary just received 6 instruments from Hungry for Music, an organization that collects used instruments and distributes them to schools in need. The organization was able to donate 5 violins and 1 cello for our growing string orchestra! If your student is interested in joining our orchestra strings program, please email Mrs. Black at Lessons will be taught over the summer!
over 1 year ago, Rocky Point Elementary School
hungry for music
Please plan on joining us for our End-of-Year Celebrations and Awards Ceremonies! The 5th grade ceremony will be on Thursday, May 25th, and all other grade levels will be on Friday, May 26th. We hope you can come help us celebrate all of our students' amazing accomplishments!
over 1 year ago, Rocky Point Elementary School
3rd grade had an Author’s Book Tasting Event today where students shared their written books and listened to others books! Thank you Ms Liz for all of your hard work in helping students create their pieces!
over 1 year ago, Rocky Point Elementary School
Please join us for a conversation about PCS's consideration of a three-tiered bus routing system. Unable to attend? The events will be streamed live via our YouTube channel You can also provide helpful survey information here
over 1 year ago, Bob Fankboner
three tier
The year's almost over, and you won't want to miss out on buying the 2022-23 yearbook! This year's book is full of candid pictures with a student-designed cover. Yearbooks are only $25 (cash only) and available in the front office!
over 1 year ago, Rocky Point Elementary School
In an effort to gather input on the scheduling and bus routing for the 2023-24 school year, we invite you to voice any questions or concerns about a three-tiered system. Your response will help us develop our plan moving forward -
over 1 year ago, Bob Fankboner
Pender County Schools Superintendent Dr. Brad Breedlove explains the differences between a two and three-tier bus routing system as well as the benefits a three-tier system would offer -
over 1 year ago, Bob Fankboner