Good afternoon Rocky Point Families,


A huge thank you to all families who made drink or candy donations, participated in the fundraiser as a vendor or attended our Hispanic Heritage celebration at Heide Trask High School yesterday.  It was a huge success for all of our schools and was a beautiful evening seeing our Rocky Point community come together to support our students and our schools.   


Thank you to all of our students for working so hard during this first nine weeks.  Please remember that Monday, October 24 and Tuesday, October 25 are teacher workdays with no school for students.  Report cards will be coming home with all students on Thursday, October 27.  Teachers are currently attempting to connect with families to schedule beginning of year conferences to review students’ BOY assessments and first quarter performance.  Please sign up for your conference with your child’s teacher.


This upcoming week is Red Ribbon Week, which is a national initiative to promote drug prevention education and advocacy in youth by bringing awareness and providing resources for youth and their families.  In honor of Red Ribbon Week, we are having a little fun with dress up days:

Wednesday, October 26  - "Put a Cap" on drugs - wear a cap/hat

Thursday, October 27  - "Team up against drugs" - wear you favorite team jersey or shirt

Friday, October 28  - "You'd be wacky to try drugs" - dress wacky tacky


A reminder of fall picture make-ups on Tuesday, November 1st.


Our quote for the week:  Some days are better, some days are worse.  Look for the blessings instead of the curse.  Be positive, stay strong and get enough rest.  You can’t do it all, but you can do your best” by Doe Zantanata.  As always, thank you for your continued support and again thank you for your support of our Hispanic Heritage celebration and fundraising event.  Have a great week!