Good afternoon Rocky Point Families,
We have two weeks left in our first nine weeks of the school year. Please have conversations with your child to ensure they have completed and submitted all assignments for this first quarter.
The Pender Mobile Dental Clinic is now at Rocky Point Elementary School. The clinic provides routine and basic dental treatment to ALL interested students, parents and staff. If you would like to take advantage of the convenient, quality dental services, please complete the form sent home with your child and return it to their teacher or call 910-471-3250. Due to the limited time at each school, please respond at your earliest convenience.
We are in need of ensuring that all of our federally connected families are accounted for. Federal regulations require that we collect this information every year. This survey will document the students that are federally connected by having a parent that is on active duty or a civilian employee on federal property. This year, this process has moved online via Scribbles instead of sending out the paper survey cards. Due to federal guidelines, we are required to have parents/guardians that are federally connected to complete a survey. Please login to your Scribbles account and complete the Military Information Update form for each of your PCS students. This will enable us to capture accurate data to submit the Impact Aid Grant. We are asking that this be submitted by the end of the day Tuesday, October 11th. If you are unsure how to submit the form, please contact our school data manager, Mrs. Jan Richardson, for assistance.
One final reminder of the parent information session for families of IG or AIG students at RPES, which will be held in the Cape Fear Elementary School Media center this Thursday, October 13th at 4:30pm. If you cannot attend and would like a copy of this presentation, please contact Mrs. Ellen Sidbury at
Again, please mark your calendars as we will be joining with Cape Fear Elementary, Cape Fear Middle and Heide Trask High School on Saturday, October 22 to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month. This celebratory and fundraising event will be held at Heide Trask High School and will begin at 4:00pm. If your child would like to participate in a dance performance at this event, please bring them to Rocky Point Elementary School on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:15pm. The link to the Sign Up Genius for families wishing to sell food can be found below:
We are looking forward to great food and fun with our community at this event as we also fundraise to support all of our Rocky Point schools.
In honor of Hispanic American Heritage Month, I am sharing a quote from Paul Coelho: “Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.”
As always, thank you for your continued support and we hope everyone has a great week!