Good Afternoon Rocky Point Families,
We wish every family a Happy New Year and hope that your first week of 2024 has been a great one! We are looking forward to greeting students tomorrow morning as they arrive for the start of our second semester of school!
Please note that we have had one bus change during the winter break. All students that rode bus 293 will now be riding bus 235 with a new driver, Mr. Siebert. Additionally, time changes to this route have been made regarding morning pick up times. Students will be picked up approximately 15 minutes earlier than during the first semester on this route only. The afternoon route will remain with the same times. Students that ride this route will bring home documentation of exact new pick up times on Monday. We appreciate your flexibility in advance while we make these new adjustments to this route.
Again, Mrs. Roman, our afterschool PACES director, would like to give a friendly reminder that payments for our afterschool PACES program need to be paid in full for the first semester prior to returning to the program tomorrow, Monday, January 8th.
A reminder that our second nine weeks and first semester report cards will be coming home with students on Friday, January 12th. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
January is a very busy month at RPE! Please note the following dates:
Wednesday, January 10th - Thursday, January 18th, students in grades K-5 will be participating in their middle of year state mClass reading assessments
Monday, January 15th, No school for students in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Beginning of Monday, January 22nd, our multilingual students will begin their Access language testing
Students in grades 3-5 will take their middle of year state Math Check-In assessment on Tuesday, January 23rd
Students in grades 3-5 will take their middle of year state Reading Check-In assessment on Thursday, January 25th
Friday, January 26th: We will be welcoming families of all grade levels from 7:30 - 9:30 am to engage with our students as all grade levels will be focusing specifically on math instruction and allowing families an opportunity to have a first-hand experience with math standards for the upcoming second semester.
Students in grade 5 will take their middle of year state Science Check-In assessment on Wednesday, January 31st
Our quote for the week: “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right” by Oprah Winfrey. Again, Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing all of our students back at school tomorrow morning!