Good evening Rocky Point Ram Families, I hope that this message finds all of our RAM families well and that you have had a wonderful summer.
Our Summer Bridge program for rising Kindergarten and rising 3rd grade students begins tomorrow, Monday, August 7th. All families should have a received a prior phone call and email inviting your child to attend. Teachers working the Summer Bridge program reached out this past Thursday to provide bus information for this upcoming camp.
Open House for the 2023-2024 school year will be held on Thursday, August 26 from 4:00pm-6:00pm in order to give families an opportunity to come meet their child’s teacher. We are offering a special opportunity for rising Kindergarten students and families to come between 3:00-4:00pm. When you arrive on campus, we will have tables out front for you to check in and find out your child's teacher's name. Student's teacher names will be unavailable until Open House. Grade level supply lists are available on our school website as well as soon will be able to be found on our school Facebook page. At open house, you will receive the following information:
Classroom Teacher Information/welcome letter
Title 1 Compacts & Fall Parent Survey
Bus information for all students
Each family will also be requested to complete the following information, which you can also complete in advance online now through your parent portal in Scribbles:
Lunch applications
Student Chromebook Agreement Form
BOY Application
As was shared through social media earlier this summer, all students will receive free breakfast and lunch this year at Rocky Point Elementary School; however it is vital that we have 100% completion of lunch forms as it directly correlates to our school's Title 1 Funding.
The first day of school for students is Monday, August 28th. We look forward to seeing all families on Thursday, August 24th at our open house!