Hornets of the Week
October 28, 2022
Raelynn Lambert Maddison Davies 1st Grade Alina Velasquez Sanchez Harper Pierce 2nd Grade Taylor Francis Nicole Lopez-Sanchez | 3rd Grade
Caroline Lippard Marissa Lizardo Portillo Mjyd Alnobi Noah George 4th Grade Hudson Mantooth Kaytlynn Hine 5th Grade Mason Lanier Jenna Brown |
6th Grade
Santos Cruz Martinez Cruz Aguilar Canales Keven Howard 7th Grade Tyshawn Herring Kimon Moore 8th Grade Emma Giddeons Jayna Trammell Kaylie Tennyson | Specials
Taylor Jones QuoRyiona Vines Bus Hornets of the Week Stacy Yarborough Jaio Roratto Yuleni Velasquez Gonzalez |
Ms. Fowler
Mrs. Giarrusso
Congratulations, Hornets!