Fall Owl

Good Evening Penderlea Families.  This is Mrs. Braune with this week’s Hornet Happenings.  

This is a reminder for all parents and guardians… School Board Policy 4318 states that any wireless device that is seen may be immediately confiscated and will be returned only to the student’s parent.  Please remind your students to keep any cell phone in their backpack during the school day. 

The tardy bell rings at 7:45 each day and students must be INSIDE the building before it rings to be considered on time.   If you use the car line, please make sure that you arrive in time for your student to exit the car AND make it inside the building BEFORE 7:45. 

Middle School Parents:   Your student will be bringing home information and a permission slip for an opportunity to receive a flu shot at school the week of November 14.  If you are interested, please fill out the form and return it to school.  NO student will receive the flu shot without a signed permission slip. 

On Monday, we ask that children leave their Halloween costumes at home. We want the focus of the day to be on instruction.    Soccer players have their mandatory parent meeting.  Parents of players that did NOT play volleyball or cheer need to be in the media center at 4:00.  Parents of volleyball players and cheerleaders should be in the media center at 4:30 to meet with coaches.

There will NOT be any 21st century afterschool on Monday.

On Thursday,  our soccer team will have their first home game against Surf City Middle.  Bathrooms for outdoor events can now be accessed through the foyer outside the gym by the playground.   The door there will be unlocked to allow players and spectators entrance without propping any doors.  Planning Ahead:  Bring your parent to school day will be November 22.  More information will be coming home soon!!!

General Reminders: Picture money or pictures due. Yearbook Cover Contest Designs due by October 31. Tshirt order forms and money due by November 4. Lunch charges are accruing.  Please contact the school for a lunch application. 4th and 5th grade students interested in Science Fair need to see Mrs. Linke.

If you would like to have an AD in the yearbook for your student, please see the link for more information.   PLS Yearbook Information