MS Science Students

October 10,  2022

Dear Middle School Parents,

It’s time to start building the middle school Science Olympiad team!  If you have this letter then that means your child is interested in being on the team!  Here are a few important logistical details about Science Olympiad, for you and your child to look over.  

The tournament this year will take place on Saturday, March 11th at UNCW.  Please check your calendars now to make sure that your child will be able to be at the tournament.

Here are some ways to know if you are a good fit for the Science Olympiad team this year.  

  • You can attend practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50-4:00.

  • You have someone who can pick you up at 4:00 after practice/or you already attend our afterschool program.

  • You can attend Competition on March 11th at UNCW

  • You have a good work ethic and a positive attitude during regular school hours, during practices and at competition. (No office referrals!!!)

If you can check all of these boxes then please make sure you attend the interest meeting on October 18th from 3:00-4:00 in Room 228 (Ms. Anderson’s room).  Parents are welcome to attend with their child! During this interest meeting we will go over what the events are for this year and talk about the rules and expectations.  This will also be when each child will get a permission slip where they sign up for the team and get to choose what events they would like to participate in.  Please know that I only have 15 slots available for one team, with an additional 3 alternate slots.  If I have enough interest then I will create two teams.

I appreciate your interest in joining the team this year and can not wait to see everyone at the interest meeting!

Ms. Anderson