Good Evening Penderlea Families.  This is Ms. Fuller with your message.  

  • We hope everyone had a great weekend.  It’s hard to believe that we have completed two weeks of school. 

  • Please remember that the tardy bell rings at 7:45 am.  If your student is a car rider and wants to eat breakfast, please arrive early so that they will have enough time to eat and report to class on time.   

  • This week students in grades K-8 will begin taking BOY diagnostic assessments.  These assessments are not graded.  The data is used for teachers to help assist with instruction inside the classroom.  

  • Athletics: 

    • Cheerleading Tryouts will be held on August 9th and August 10th beginning after school until 5:00 pm.  Students in grades 6-8 who are academically eligible and who have a current physical on file will be allowed to try out.  Please contact Mrs. Donna Mintz if you have any questions. 

    • Softball Tryouts will be held on August 15th and 16th beginning after school until 5:00 pm.  Practice will begin on August 18th.  Students in grades 6-8 who are academically eligible and who have a current physical on file will be allowed to try out.  Please contact Mrs. Donna Mintz if you have any questions. 

  • Please remember that students are now required to pay for breakfast and lunch.  Parents will get bills for unpaid fees.  These fees will follow students all the way to high school and can jeopardize participation in high school activities.  The prices are as follows

    • Breakfast:

      • Full Price-$1.45

      • Reduced Price-$0.30

    • Elementary Lunch:

      • Full Price-$2.30

      • Reduced Price- $0.40

    • Middle Lunch:

      • Full Price-$2.45

      • Reduced Price-$0.40

In order to qualify for reduced or free meals you must complete the lunch application to see if you qualify.  The lunch application can be completed online at .  Only one application needs to be completed per family.  Paper copies are available in both English and Spanish.  Please contact your students' homeroom teacher if you need a paper copy.

 Mobile Dental Clinic will be here on Monday and families should look for forms that will be coming home with students this week about the Mobile Dental Clinic.  The mobile clinic will only be here for another 2 weeks.  If you want your student(s) to participate please turn them in asap.  

Weekly Reminders

Important Dates to remember:

August 9th and 10th:  Cheerleading Tryouts

August 15th and 16th:  Softball Tryouts

August 16th:  Progress Reports Go home.

August 22nd:  Mandatory Workday for staff.  No school for students.

August 23rd:  Curriculum Night 5:00-6:30 pm.  More information will be shared closer to this date.  

August 31st:  Fall Pictures Picture Information  Picture Prices

September 5th:  Labor Day.  School is closed for students and staff.

September 16th:  End of the 1st nine weeks.  

September 19th-October 6th:  Fall Break for students.

October 7th:  Students return to school for the 2nd nine weeks. 


Please find this year's school calendar here.  Penderlea Calendar 2022-2023