This is Ms. Fuller with your 1st weekly message of the 2022-2023 school year. Since this is the first one of the year, it is long. Please be sure to read the email version. If the phone message ends before the message is complete, you can find the full version of this message on our school’s new website page by scrolling down and looking under the News section and in your email.
Welcome Back to our returning students and welcome to our new families! Tomorrow is the big day. The first day of school for the 2022-2023 school year. We are looking forward to a great school year. It was great seeing everyone at Open House on Thursday evening. 82% of our families were able to attend. We are looking forward to seeing a large percentage of participation at our school wide events this year. Thank you for making Open House a success.
The school day begins at 7:20 am and ends at 2:50 pm. Please do not dismiss the students from your vehicles until 7:20. A bell will ring to reflect the start of the school day. Our Penderlea staff will be outside at the cones to help assist. Please have students ready to dismiss from the right side of the vehicle when you pull up in the drop off area. The tardy bell rings at 7:45. If students arrive at school after 7:45, parents will need to walk their students into the main office for their student to receive a tardy slip. We are looking forward to our students arriving on time to ensure a successful school day by being in their classroom at 7:45 am.
For car rider dismissal in the afternoon, please remember to have your pink car rider tag in the dashboard for staff to read. Please place this tag on the passenger side of your vehicle. If you were not able to pick up your car rider tag, please contact the school. Your student will be called to the front and Penderlea staff will direct them to the vehicle. Please do not get out of the vehicle and walk to the building to pick up your student. Please follow the pick up line to pick up your student as this is how we know to release your student from class.
Car lane Drop Off and Pick Up: Please remember to enter the car drop off and pick line through WH Robbins to Eleanor Roosevelt Lane and CR Dillard into the overflow parking lot and continue to follow the car line. You will then follow the line and stay in the lane to the right next to the cement walkway. Please pull up to the next available orange cone. Here a staff member will be standing greeting your student. Please have the student open the car door and exit on the right side of the vehicle. They will walk behind the orange cones up to the main entrance of the building. Please do not let your student out before getting to the cement walkway. Safety is our number one priority. We are working on providing families with a map of the traffic pattern. Thank you for your patience as we work through the first few days of the traffic flow.
We are excited to announce that this year, parents in grade 1-8 will be able to walk your student to class for the first week of school (July 18-July 22). Beginning July 25th, you will need to drop your student off in the car lane. Kindergarten families: As your students will have staggered days the first week, you will be able to walk your student in from July 18-July 29. Beginning August 1, you will need to drop your student off in the car lane. Staff will be in the hallways if you or students need assistance. Parents, please park in the designated parking spaces in front of the school on the drop off line side or in the overflow parking lot beside the football field. Do not park on the side of the road on the grass as this will impede the flow of traffic of the drop off line. If you park on the side you will be asked to move. Please do not enter on the side of the cafeteria as this is the entrance for staff parking and bus drop off. Thank you for your help in making the drop off process smooth for all families.
Bus Riders: Please be at the bus stop 15 minutes before the scheduled pick up time. Please allow your bus driver a 15 minute window before and a 15 minute window after the scheduled pick up time. We do ask for your patience as we work through the process for the first week. If you need to speak with anyone in regards to buses, please reach out to Ms. Fuller.
Penderlea School and Pender County Schools are happy to announce the adoption of an innovative mobile device app and website entitled, Here Comes the Bus®. Please review the attached information sheets for more information on how this application works. Here Comes the Bus allows you to view the real-time location of your child’s school bus on your smartphone, tablet or computer. With it, you will have the information you need to send your children to the bus stop at just the right time, helping to protect them from inclement weather and other roadside dangers. What’s more, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your children haven’t missed the bus. If you have any questions, please contact the school. Here Comes the Bus Letter.English Here Comes the Bus. Spanish
Kindergarten parents. On Monday, July 25th beginning at 7:45 am in the cafeteria, we would like to invite you to a gathering for Kindergarten parents only. This is to provide you an opportunity to have questions you may have answered in regards to car line drop off and pick up procedures, buses, after school care, or Penderlea in general. Please note that your child’s teacher will not be in attendance as they will be teaching your student. These are questions for administration, PTO, and Title 1. This meeting is not mandatory for you to attend. Light refreshments will be provided.
Breakfast and Lunch Information: This year students will be required to pay for breakfast and lunch. The prices are as follows:
Breakfast price are for elementary and middle school: Full Price-$1.45 Reduced Price-$0.30
Elementary Lunch: Full Price-$2.30 Reduced Price- $0.40
Middle Lunch: Full Price-$2.45 Reduced Price-$0.40
In order to qualify for reduced or free meals you must complete the lunch application to see if you qualify. The lunch application can be completed online at . Only one application needs to be completed per family. Paper copies are available in both English and Spanish. Please contact your students' homeroom teacher if you need a paper copy. To view the lunch menu please go to Penderlea's webpage, click on menu, and then dining. This will tell you what the lunch menu is for each week.
Beginning of the year paperwork is to be completed electronically. Please find the directions attached in the email version of this message. Spanish BOY Directions English BOY Directions Directions to complete this process will also be sent home with your student. BOY paperwork needs to be completed by July 29th. Please remember this is where you can update your contact information, update adults who can pick up your student, and also update/add any medical information the school needs to be made aware of. If you have any questions about the paperwork, please contact Mrs. Candance Mcqueen.
Pender After School Care Enrichment (PACES) is now accepting applications for elementary students. You can complete the application by visiting and clicking on Afterschool Programs under the Community Tab. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Philis Galloway at
If your child is in need of medication at school, please get a “Request for Medication at School” form, from the front office, and have it completed by your child’s doctor. Once completed, please bring the form and the medication, in its original container, to the school nurse. All medication must be transported by a parent. It may not be sent to school with a student. If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Bain at the school.
If you would like to decorate the Spirit Rock, please complete the forms attached in the email version of this message and turn your form into the front office. There will also be paper copies in the front office. Spirit Rock Application 22-23
If you would like to donate snacks or beverages to our staff to show your support and appreciation, please consider donating these items so we can Fill the Staff Fridge. Our staff loves water, Gatorade, Pepsi Products, Coke Products, Dr. Pepper, Sun Drop, Peanuts, Chips, and Fruit. Thank you for considering donating and showing your support for our staff.
Mobile Dental Clinic will be here on Monday and families should look for forms that will be coming home with students this week about the Mobile Dental Clinic.
Backpack program:
Penderlea School will once again be partnering with two local churches to provide food bags on Fridays for students to take home. The purpose of this program is to help families with a few extra staple foods and snacks to have for their children over the weekend. The churches only know the number of bags to deliver each week and not the names of the children. If you would like for your child/children to participate please reach out directly and confidentially as soon as possible to Mrs. Burdette, School Counselor. Her email address is: or you may call her direct line at 910-815-7304. Please leave a message if she is not at her desk.
Please remember that the dress code is enforced daily. Rips/holes in jeans should be below the mid thigh. For girls leggings and for boys basketball shorts are examples of appropriate clothing items to wear under jeans if rips/holes are above mid thigh. Shorts and skirts must be mid thigh. Students may not wear sleeveless shirts, tops or dresses that do not cover the top of the shoulder (i.e. tank tops, spaghetti straps, halter tops, tube tops, strapless tops, etc.). Pajama pants/pajamas are to be only worn on approved school wide activities. These are not allowed to be worn daily to school. Please visit Pender County Schools website under board policy 4316 Student Dress Code Policy to review the policy. If you have any questions please call the school. Thank you for abiding by the PCS student dress code policy.
Important Dates to remember:
July 18th: First Day for all students in grades 1-8.
July 18th-July 20th: Assigned first staggered day for Kindergarten students.
July 21st: First day for all Kindergarten students.
July 25th: Optional Kindergarten Parents Meeting at 7:45 am in the cafeteria.
August 16th: Progress Reports Go home.
August 22nd: Mandatory Workday for staff. No school for students.
September 5th: Labor Day. School is closed for students and staff.
September 16th: End of the 1st nine weeks.
September 19th-October 6th: Fall Break for students.
October 7th: Students return to school for the 2nd nine weeks.
Please find this year's school calendar here. Penderlea Calendar 2022-2023
Thank you for your support and we are looking forward to a great first week!