
Good Evening Penderlea Families.  

  • There will be no school for students and staff on Friday, April 15th.  Students will return to school on Tuesday, April 19th.  Staff will have an optional workday on Monday, April 18th.  

  • Starting with the 2022-23 school year, all elementary schools in North Carolina are required to participate in L.E.T.R.S. training.  This is a K-5 professional development that is mandatory for staff to attend.  We have received the training dates for the 2022-2023 school year and must make some adjustments to our school calendar.  There is one significant difference that we want to get feedback from our parents, staff, and students.  Currently, the calendar has Penderlea on Spring Break at the same time as the traditional and Pender Early College calendars.  Please submit the survey in the email version of this message to share your preference by Monday, April 11 @ 12:00 noon.  We do apologize for the short notice.   Vote using this link:

    • Option 3- Students would have to attend school for 3 1/2 days on March 6-9, 2023 during traditional & PECHS calendars' Spring Break. 

    • Option 4- Students would have to attend school for 1 early release day on March 6, 2023, during traditional & PECHS calendars' Spring Break.

  • This week third grade students will take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT).  This assessment will ensure that every 3rd grade student has the opportunity to be screened for advanced level and/or gifted services. 

  • Kindergarten through fifth grade students will take an End of Year Math iReady Diagnostic exam on April 26.  

  • Please consider serving as a proctor for End of Grade (EOG) Assessments.  Students in grades 3-8 will take their Math EOG and Math I End of Course (EOC) assessments on May 10.  Students in grades 3-8 will take their Reading EOG assessment on May 12.  Students in grades 5 and 8 will take their Science EOG assessment on May 17.  We would need your assistance from 7:45am until 11:30am each day.  If you are able to serve as proctor, please contact Dr. Jordan.  

  • We need all parents and guardians to CLICK HERE to take the Bus Ridership Survey for the 2022-2023 school year.   This information will help the Transportation Department over the summer as they develop routes for the next school year. 

  • Update:  Emerge Ortho will be offering Sports Physicals for middle and high school students on the following dates and locations beginning at 5:00 pm.  Please complete the History section of the physical before going to the location.  

    • Topsail High School:  4/13 

    • Heidi Trask High School:  4/26

  • Our Volleyball and Baseball teams will play away Monday, April 11th beginning at 4:00 pm against Cape Fear Middle.  Our athletes will play at home on Thursday, April 14th against Topsail Middle School.  Please go out and support our athletes.

  • Families in grades K-7.  Please join us on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 for our annual Moving  Up Night.  You will find out important information about your child’s upcoming grade level.  There are two session times; 5:00-5:30 and 5:45-6:15 pm.

  • If you need to complete the reassignment application for the 2022-2023 school year, that application is now open on Pender County Schools website.  This application will close on May 1st.  Please complete this application as soon as possible.  Remember, the reassignment application must be completed every year. 

  • Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2- May 6.  Please have these messages submitted to Ms. Fuller by Friday, April 15th to allow time to complete before Teacher Appreciation week.  

  • Save the date:  Our Kindergarten moving up ceremony has been scheduled for May 18th at 9:00 am and our 8th grade moving up ceremony has been scheduled for May 19th at 9:00 am.  A letter with more details will be going home with students towards the end of April.  

Reminders:  Reminder Information

Thank you for your continued support and have a great week!