Welcome back!

Good Evening Penderlea Families.  You can find the full version of this message on our school website under About and clicking Weekly Message. 

  • We hope everyone had a great Spring Break!  We are looking forward to seeing students on campus Wednesday, March 23rd.  Monday, March 21st and Tuesday, March 22nd are optional teacher workdays for staff.  Students, be ready to return on Wednesday to begin the 4th nine weeks of school.  This will be the last nine weeks of school.  Remember to stay focused and work hard.  

  • Volleyball and Baseball tryouts will begin on Monday, March 21st.  Volleyball tryouts on Monday and Tuesday will be from 3:00-5:00 pm in the school gym.  On Wednesday, tryouts will be from 3:30-5:30.  Baseball tryouts on Monday and Tuesday will be from 4:00 to 6:00 pm on the school’s baseball field.  On Wednesday, tryouts will be from 3:30-5:30.  Please remember that you must be academically eligible to participate and you must have a physical on file.  If you have any questions please reach out to Mrs. Donna Mintz.  

  • On March 23-25, our 4th and 5th grade students will be taking their Reading, Math, and Science Benchmark Assessments.  If you have any questions about these benchmark assessments, please contact Dr. Jordan.

  • Penderlea School will be having itś Book Fair beginning on Wednesday, March 23rd until Saturday, March 26th.  It will be open during Penderlea Day.  Students received a flier about the book fair before we left for Spring Break.  Please come out and purchase a good book.  

  • Penderlea Day is scheduled for Saturday, March 26th, 2022 from 10:00-2:00.  This will be a family fun day at Penderlea.  There will be a Chicken Wing Cook Off, Local Businesses to shop with,  community resources, live entertainment, an Egg Hunt, and so much more.  We are looking forward to seeing our community at this event.  Please contact Mrs. Courtney Rooks or any member of the Athletic Booster Club for more information or if you would like to donate or participate.  We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

  • Kindergarten Registration is open until March 31st.  Please review the flier attached in the email version of this message for more information.  If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Candance McQueen.  Kindergarten Registration Information 2022-2023

  • If you need to complete the reassignment application for the 2022-2023 school year, that application is now open on Pender County Schools website.  This application will close on May 1st.  Please complete this application as soon as possible.  Remember, the reassignment application must be completed every year.  

  • Any 8th grade parent who is available to help with the 8th grade social, please reach out to Mrs. Tammy Wells.  Her contact information is penderleapto@gmail.com or 910-470-7963.

  • If you would like to decorate the Spirit Rock, please complete the forms attached in the email version of this message and turn your form into the front office.  There will also be paper copies in the front office.  Spirit Rock Application 21-22

  • Please remember that with warmer weather approaching to please follow the school dress code.  Shorts should be mid thigh and shirts must cover the top of the shoulder (no tank tops, spaghetti straps, halter tops, tube tops, strapless tops, etc.).  Please visit Pender County Schools website under board policy 4316 Student Dress Code Policy to review the policy.  If you have any questions please call the school.  

  • Reminder:  Please remember that the tardy bell rings at 7:45.  Students who are dropped off after the bell rings, a parent/guardian must walk their student inside the building to sign them in so that the student can receive a slip to go to class.  Please arrive early.

  • If you would like to donate snacks or beverages to our staff to show your support and appreciation, please consider donating these items so we can Fill the Fridge.  Our staff loves water, Gatorade, Pepsi Products, Coke Products, Dr. Pepper, Sun Drop, Peanuts, Chips, and Fruit.  Thank you for considering donating and showing your support for our staff.  

  • Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2- May 6.  If you would like to write a thank you note to a teacher at Penderlea to show your appreciation during this week, please email Ms. Fuller at fallon_fuller@pender.k12.nc.us and title the email:  TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK.  If you will be writing to more than one teacher, please put all the teachers names and messages in one email.  Please write the teacher's name and then write the message. Press enter twice to recognize the next staff member.  Due to the template that will be used please keep the message to no more than 3-4 sentences.  Please have these messages submitted to Ms. Fuller by Friday, April 15th to allow time to complete before Teacher Appreciation week.  

  • Please remember to contact our School Nurse, Nurse Jessica Bain if you or anyone in your home are not feeling well, experiencing COVID symptoms, or have been exposed to a positive case.  


On September 21st, 2021 the Pender County Board of Education held a special called meeting and voted to make mask use optional for students and staff beginning on October 4th.  When returning to campus tomorrow, October 11th, masks will be optional in classrooms and on school grounds.  Masks are still mandatory on all school buses (yellow and activity).  All students, staff, and community members are encouraged to make their own decisions regarding their personal health into choosing whether to wear a mask. Harassment, discrimination, bullying, or intimidation based on any person’s decision to wear or not wear a face covering or a mask will not be tolerated.

Please remember, PCS schools nurses will follow the NC Strong Schools Toolkit in terms of exclusion from school.  Decisions of isolation and quarantine dates will be made by the health department.  Only symptomatic students must stay home from school, siblings who are not showing any symptoms are allowed to come to school at this time. If someone in the household tests positive for Covid then all students should stay home and the school nurse needs to be contacted.  

Backpack program:

Penderlea School will once again be partnering with two local churches to provide food bags on Fridays for students to take home.  The purpose of this program is to help families with a few extra staple foods and snacks to have for their children over the weekend.  The churches only know the number of bags to deliver each week and not the names of the children.

If you would like for your child/children to participate please reach out directly and confidentially as soon as possible to Mrs. Burdette, School Counselor.  Her email address is:  lisa_burdette@pender.k12.nc.us or you may call her direct line at 910-815-7304.  Please leave a message if she is not at her desk.  

Penderlea School and Pender County Schools are happy to announce the adoption of an innovative mobile device app and website entitled, Here Comes the Bus®.  Please review the attached information sheets for more information on how this application works.

Here Comes the Bus allows you to view the real-time location of your child’s school bus on your smartphone, tablet or computer. With it, you will have the information you need to send your children to the bus stop at just the right time, helping to protect them from inclement weather and other roadside dangers. What’s more, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your children haven’t missed the bus. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Jordan. 

Here Comes the Bus Letter.English              Here Comes the Bus. Spanish 

To ensure that our buses remain on schedule, we are asking that all bus riders stand at their bus stops ready to board the bus when the bus arrives.  Please arrive at the stop at least 15 minutes early before the scheduled pick up time.  Please utilize the Here Comes the Bus Application to track your child’s bus. 

This year, Pender County Schools will offer FREE breakfast and lunch for ALL students for the 2021-2022 school year.  Penderlea Menu

Important message for 8th grade parents and students:

The Pender Early College Recruitment/Application process for current 8th grade students are listed below.  Please let Mrs. Burdette know if you have any questions. 

  •      PEC will be having two parent nights:

November 2nd: Parent night at the CFCC campus at Surf City at 6:00pm

November 8th: parent night at PECHS Burgaw campus at 6:00pm

  • October 29: Recruitment visit at Penderlea (1:00pm) for Penderlea students.

  • Online applications will be available beginning November 1.  Students can let Mrs. Burdette know if they would like a copy.  

  • Completed paper applications due to Mrs. Burdette by January 27, 2022.

  • Student interviews will be held in February, 2022.

  • Acceptance or waitlist letters will be mailed in mid March, 2022.

  • Shadow day for those accepted will be in mid April, 2022.

Please remember that drop off time begins at 7:20 am and the tardy bell rings at 7:45 am.  Breakfast begins at 7:20 am and ends at 7:45 am.  If your student eats breakfast, please arrive early so that your student has enough time to eat breakfast as they will be sent to class at 7:45 am to begin their instructional school day.  

Please remember that the dress code is enforced daily.  Rips/holes in jeans should be below the mid thigh.  For girls leggings and for boys basketball shorts are examples of appropriate clothing items to wear under jeans if rips/holes are above mid thigh.  Pajama pants/pajamas are to be only worn on approved school wide activities.  These are not allowed to be worn daily to school.  Please visit Pender County Schools website under board policy 4316 Student Dress Code Policy to review the policy.  If you have any questions please call the school.  

Penderlea has a Spirit Rock!  Thank you PTO and the village it took to get the rock to Penderlea.  We are looking forward to seeing this celebrating our students and school!

Our lost and found is overflowing.  Please have your students check with the front office if they have misplaced their coats/jackets/sweatshirts.   

If your student is a bus rider, please remember that while masks are optional while on school campus, masks are mandatory on the school bus.  Please ensure your student has their mask on prior to boarding the school bus.  Masks will remain on at all times while riding the school bus.  

Important Dates to remember:

March 21st-22nd:  Optional Teacher Workdays.  No school for students

March 23rd: Students return to school for the 4th nine weeks.

March 26th:  Penderlea Day.  10:00 am- 2:00 pm

March 28th:  Report Cards go home. 

April 30th:  8th grade Social 

Please find this year’s school calendar here:  Penderlea School Year Calendar 21-22

Thank you for your continued support and have a great week!